Chapter 18

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We wake up bright and early to catch our flight. The only thing on my mind at 6 in the morning is when can I sleep again. I feel like crap, so I'm glad I packed everything last night. Just had a few more things to put up, and then I was done. I laid down and curled into a ball while waiting on the others. "J? Are you okay?" I look up to see a concerned Mitch. I just shook my head. "What's wrong baby?" He asked while sitting down and rubbing my back.

"My stomach and head hurts. It's too early for this." I turn over and moan. This caught Scott's attention. Before I knew it, he was on the bed too. "Want something to soothe your stomach?" Scott asked. At my nod he got up and went to the fridge. He soon returned with a cold ginger ale in his hand. I thanked him and opened it up. After taking a few sips, and staying placed, the pain started to ease up. Jake finally came out the bathroom, and sat next to me. He gave me a quick kiss, and laid next to me.

"You okay bae?" He asked into my hair. I just nodded and closed my eyes. Soon it was time to leave, but I didn't feel comfortable standing, so I opened my arms to Scott. He picked me up without hesitation and carried me to the car. We drove to the airport and returned the rental car, I was okay standing now so I just walked. We checked in our luggage, and found our flight gate. All that's left to do now is wait. I got bored quickly with that though, so I started singing. First to myself, but got louder.

I was so trapped in the song, I didn't notice the people starting to gather around. Once I was finished Jake gave me a hug. "That was amazing! Why didn't I know you could sing like that?" I shrugged in response. Then some random girl walks up to me. "Your voice is truly amazing! I've never heard someone sing like that." I gave her a warm smile and thanked her, then she noticed my parents. "Oh. My. God! You're Scott and Mitch! I love you guys so much!" They smiled and thanked her as well. Then they started calling first class passengers.

Once on the plane and in our seats, I put my headphones in and drowned out everything else. Jake must of thought something was wrong because he popped one of my ear buds out and asked if I was okay. "I have a headache, but nothing a little sleep couldn't fix." He nodded and fell asleep himself. Mitch peaked around to look at me. "Do you know what today is?" I rolled my eyes. "Thursday?" He laughed because I didn't know. "It's Christmas eve baby!" I was shocked. It came so fast! "Really?!!" He nodded biting back a grin.

The flight was kinda a blur, but that wasn't a bad thing. When we got to LAX it was almost noon, plenty of time to get lunch and put up last minute decorations. We claimed our luggage, and then got our car. We loaded everything up, and then we were off. "What do you guys want for lunch?" Scott asked. Mitch a and I looked at each other and shouted the same thing. "Roscoe's chicken and waffles!" Jake rolled his eyes. "Can't we get something quick?" We all looked at him. "What's wrong babe?" I ask, truly concerned. "I just don't like chicken. Is all."

There is two things I can do. I can get upset and yell like a kid, or I could handle it like the adult I am becoming. "Babe. You don't have to get chicken. There are other things you can get." He nodded and eventually agreed. I was so excited, I was bouncing in my seat. Sadly when we got there, it was closed. Every restaurant we tried was closed, so we ended up going home to eat. That was okay though, after all I'm with family, and that's all that matters.

We ate a nice dinner, and afterwards Jake had to call home. His mom and dad wanted him home for Christmas, and I could understand why. So he grabbed his things, gave me a kiss, said goodbye to my parents, and was out the door. All before I could give him his gift too. My dads and I stayed up to watch Christmas movies, but I fell asleep before midnight. Right on Mitch's lap too. I hope he doesn't move before morning. I didn't get the sleep I had wanted though because a nightmare claimed my dreams. Great.

"You are not loved! Why are you even here?!? Scott why did we adopt such a terrible child?!?" Mitch yelled. "I don't know babe? Let's send him back!" I shook my head. "Nooooo! Please don't! I'll be good. I will just please don't give me back. Please!" I begged. "Nope! Our minds are made up, Mr. Day is already on his way." I started to shake with sobs. Then he came. "Ohhh how I missed you boy. Imma make you feel real good. Told you I was the only one to love you!" I shook my head, and sobbed harder as he dragged me away.

I jolted awake to see Mitch looking at me with frightened eyes. "Baby boy are you okay?" I just shook my head. "Talk to me. Please, what is going on inside that lovely mind of yours?" I didn't wanna talk about it. I sat up and buried my face in my hands. "Another nightmare is all. I'm okay." He wouldn't stop looking at me. "We will talk about this later. Okay?" I nodded and laid my head back down on his lap. "Oh and merry Christmas love." I returned the greeting before falling back asleep. What a night.

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