Chapter 21

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My dads walk into the room and take in the sight of us. "James we've gotta get home." Mitch tells me. No matter how much I would like to stay, I know I can't. I give my boyfriend a kiss and promised that I would see him tomorrow. With that we were out of his room, and on our way back home. I checked the time and it was almost midnight. I closed my eyes finally seeing how tired I really was, but soon we pulled up to our home and I had to get up.

I slept from one to eight before Mitch woke me up. "The planner will be here in about an hour and a half. I need you to get up, get ready and eat." I groaned and pulled myself out the bed. I hopped in the shower and got dressed. For the mood I was in, I wore all black. I walked out and greeted my dads. "Morning." They looked up and frowned. "Bud why are you in all black?" I sighed told them to hold on and ran to my room. When I came back I had a black and white checkered shirt.

"That's better hun." I laughed and sat down at the table. We ate breakfast in silence, for no one felt like talking. After breakfast Mitch pulled me to the side. "Now, I let you put it off, but no more. What was that nightmare about?" I thought back to that night. "You are not loved! Why are you even here?!? Scott why did we adopt such a terrible child?!?" Mitch yelled. "I don't know babe? Let's send him back!"

I shook my head. "Nooooo! Please don't! I'll be good. I will just please don't give me back. Please!" I begged. "Nope! Our minds are made up, Mr. Day is already on his way." I started to shake with sobs. Then he came. "Ohhh how I missed you boy. Imma make you feel real good. Told you I was the only one to love you!" I shook my head, and sobbed harder as he dragged me away.

I shuddered at the thought of reliving that nightmare. Mitch pulled me into a hug and we sat down. "You guys told me you didn't love me anymore, and said you were going to send me back to that... That place. And I begged you guys not to, but you did anyway." I pull my knees to my chest and sit like that. "James.. We could never nor would ever stop loving you! You are apart of this family weather you like it or not." I nodded and he pulled me into another hug. We sat there, like that, until the planner came.

He rang the doorbell causing Mitchie and I to jump in surprise. I check my watch, right on time. Scott opens the door, and in walks a tall man with a boy around my age. "Hello my name in Aaron and this is my son Tyler." He said. "I'm Mitch." "I'm James." "And I'm Scott. Welcome to our home. Please take a seat." Scott is a real host, huh? They sat down and immediately Aaron pulled out his planning guides. "So first, who's the birthday boy?" He asked ready to work. "That would be me." I said to him. He looked me up and down for a moment then smiled.

"Do you have an idea of what kind of party this is going to be?" I nodded. "Yeah. I want it to be a theme party. Specifically a lgbtq+ theme party." He nodded in understanding, while his sons eyes lit up. He nodded and started to write things down. "So, rainbow everything?" I nodded excitedly. "Do you already have an outfit for your party?" I nodded and ran to get it. I showed them the outfit and he nodded. "I can work with this. You know what you want, and that's good. I'm going to run to my office to get some of my contacts information, then we can go scout some sights. Okay?" We all nodded. "Also, do you mind if I leave him? I'll be gone less then an hour."

My dads okayed it, and he was out the door. Tyler looked at me and smiled. "I like your birthday ideas." I thanked him. I didn't really want to talk, I just wanted to cuddle back up with my dad. I opened my arms for my dad but he rejectee me. "Nope you have company." He says. I roll my eyes and look toward Tyler who is smiling way to hard. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks. I roll my eyes. "Yes I have a boyfriend his name is Jake, and he is currently in the hospital, where I should be." Mitch hit me in the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for?" "Drop the attitude. We get it you're in a bad mood. What happened to Jake was not fair, but don't get mad at him."

I rolled my eyes at me dad, and turned back toward Tyler. "Sorry..." He nodded. "It's okay. I was really forward." I nodes and Scott slapped my shoulder. "Ow! What am I, a pinata?" He laughed. "Sorry. Bug?" I stood up and jumped on his back tacking him to the ground. "Oops. My bad." I said while sitting on his back. Mitch pulled out a phone and took a picture. Afterwards he posted it to twitter and tagged both Scott and I. Scott flipped me off him and pinned me to the ground. "Stoooooop. Dad you're hurting meeeeeeee!" I shrieked as he started to tickle me. I was I'm tears.

"Guys? We do have company." Mitch reminded us. Scott stopped ticking me and got up. I on the other hand turned over and held my sides. "James, I didn't hurt you did I?" I shook my head. "No, just need to calm down." I said between breaths. He nodded and picked me up, he then placed me gently on the couch. I rolled onto my back and looked up. "What do you like to do Tyler?" It took a moment but he finally answered. "I like to read, write, and play with my dog." I nodded. Nothing artistic?" He shook his head. "Nah. The arts aren't for me."

I nodded. "Do you normally go to work with your dad, or did he drag you along?" "I go with him when I don't have school." I nodded. "Why is that?" I looked at him, and he looked away. "I'd rather not say." I pouted. "I'll tell you my secret if you tell me yours." He looked at me a little unsure at first, but then let out a sigh. "My mom was killed last year when she was in the house by herself. That made my dad paranoid so he won't let me stay home alone." I nodded. "Your turn. Beat that."

"My parents didn't make it. They were killed when I was eight. My other family members didn't want me, so I was forced into a foster home where... Things happened to me, that I'm not at liberty to discuss. I think I won." He nodded in agreement. I got up to get a snack. "You want anything to eat or drink?" He shook his head. "No thanks I ate before I got here." I nodded and returned with baby carrots. We sat in silence for the rest of his visit. When his dad returned we put on our coats and headed out the door.

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