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Today was yet another day I entered an empty house. Eric had dropped me home and given me a long lecture about 'standing up for myself', 'not taking shit from others' and 'deserving better'. If only he knew how independent I was when it came to matters at home, he'd be surprised.

One thing that surprised me was how easily I had gotten along with Leena, who was the sassiest and smartest of the cheerleaders. I hadn't expected her to care about my problems, let alone become so close so soon, especially since she wasn't someone who blatantly cared about the whole fitting in or popularity thing. She just was, since she had a wicked sense of humour and was a cheerleader. I wasn't used to making friends so easily, especially when the person involved actually cares for my wellbeing and not just my social status.

Talking of people who didn't care about popularity, I didn't see Michael at all at lunch today. I had tried to find him to see if he ever showed up at all, but he didn't. I wonder if it was because he wanted to steer clear of bullies or because he didn't have anyone to sit with, since I'd always seen him alone. I want to ask him why, but I knew we weren't close enough for me to be so intrusive.

I knew he'd come to school since I'd seen him when Josh 'bumped' into him. I really wanted to punch Josh for pushing people about. I hated him for hurting not just me, but others, complete strangers, too.

As if on cue, my phone rang, and it was Josh, the ass himself. After a second of contemplation, I decided to pick up and see what he has to say for himself. His ignorant and nonchalant greeting had me wanting to kick him where the sun don't shine.

"Hey babe. My parents aren't home tonight. Wanna come over?"

"Hello to you too." I replied curtly. I expected an explanation for his behaviour, but I was so wrong.

"Yeah hi. You heard what I said? We can have lots of fun tonight, come over."

"Bossy much?" I asked. He was used to ordering people around, especially since he was the football captain, but I'm not taking it any longer.

"I'm just telling you to come over. I miss you."

"You didn't miss me today during break. Or the entire day, actually."

"Wait what? What's gotten into you the last few days? You're always so... distant and rigid."

I really wanted to say that it's you and Mel messing behind my back and being distant from me, but I didn't. "I'm just... I'm not feeling too well. I'll see you tomorrow at school. Bye." And with that, I slammed the phone down.

I really should ask him what's going on, point blank. But what even is stopping me? What am I scared of that I didn't ask him?

...Questions I didn't have the answer to. Rather, I didn't want to answer, but avoid. Yet they won't leave my head. The 4 walls surrounding me suddenly felt very constricting.

...I need to go out, catch some air. Preferably where no one will find me.


I'd ended up at the park where I had interviewed Michael. It was eight in the evening and I was sitting on the swings, looking at the stars when I noticed him. His pale face was easy to recognise in the twilight. He smiled slightly when he saw me.

"Hey!" he said, sitting on the swing beside me.

"Hi! You're here. How come?" I asked since I didn't expect him here at this time. People with families have dinner at this time usually.

"I love sitting out here when it's dark but not completely, you know? What brings you here?"

"Just needed some air. Nothing else." I say, lying to him all over again.

"Something happen? You look upset." He says. It's funny how he can realize that I'm unhappy within a minute but my own boyfriend of 3 years can't over a 3 minute phone call.

"Not much, nothing you'd know." I say. I don't expect him to know my problems. Why would he care, anyway?

"Try me." He says, with a twinkle of challenge in his eyes.

Well, here goes, then. "It's just school related stuff. I don't know what to do to. I don't know what's stopping me from speaking up and do what I want to do." I pause, realising how unclear I was being. "I'm being really vague, right?" I say, expecting him to look at me with a confused expression but what I see is complete understanding instead.

"Its Melissa and Josh, right? Your best friend sleeping with your boyfriend can't be easy to process." He says, sympathetically. How the hell did he know?

"Wait what? How do you know?!"

"Just because you don't see me that often doesn't mean I don't see or notice things. I do." He says softly. He doesn't stop surprising me at every turn.

"Sorry. I didn't realise that. I don't see you around much so I didn't expect you to know."

"I guess we both judge each other a lot, right? Prejudices and stuff. The quiet, shy nerd whose nose is always in a book and the overconfident, bitchy cheerleader whose life is perfect and stays away from nerds."

"My life is far from perfect and you're a rather nice and insightful nerd." I tell him with a smile.

"And I'm not all that shy once people talk to me and you're not bitchy." He replies with another genuine smile.

For a few seconds we just smile at each other. I can't help but notice how his pale white face, blue hair and green-grey eyes make him look like some sort of ice sculpture in the moonlight. He wasn't everyone's idea of good looking – muscly, dark and handsome. No, he was more lean, dazzling and beautiful. I wonder if he knew that. I wonder if others saw in him what I was beginning to see.

"You know, you should just tell Josh that you're done with his bullshit. Tell him to fuck off. You can do way better than that lying, cheating piece of shit." He says, throwing away the delicate right then and there. But he's right.

"Yeah I should, but it won't be easy. I mean, we've been at this for years, Michael. It isn't easy to break a habit." I say, thinking out loud.

"You make your relationship thingy seem like a monotonous task, Eva." He says with a crooked smile.

"Monotonous task? Relationship thingy? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean, like relationships are supposed to have feelings, attachment, loyalty and staying true to each other. I don't see you guys being emotionally invested and he's cheating on you. Plus, you said he's a habit. Kinda like brushing your teeth, that's a habit. Aren't relationships supposed to be exciting and unpredictable in a good way?" He explains. For someone who doesn't talk much, he sure is worldly wise. It takes me a minute to ponder over all that he's said and he waits patiently while I do.

"How do you know all this?" I say, not knowing how to answer his question.

"I observe people a lot. Especially you lately, not gonna lie. I do have to write your life story." He chuckles.

"You know what, you're right. Maybe I will tell him to buzz off." I tell him. I find myself smiling again, which I realise, is something I do a lot around him.

He simply grins back at me.

"Okay, so now let's cheer you up!" He says, getting up from the swing.

"And how are you going to do that?" I ask.

He simply walks behind my seated figure in silence. Then I feel him pull my swing back.

"Hold on!" he says and then let goes of the swing.

We swing in the silence of the park for god knows how long, our laughter being the only thing breaking the silence of the night. With every swing it feels like he's aiming for the moon.

Little did he know, he'd already cheered me up long before this.

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