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After standing rooted to the same spot contemplating the words she had parted me with for 5 minutes, I decided to find out the meaning behind them. 

I quickly looked at my timetable and saw that I had Library right now. PERFECT. And not just because I was 'nerdy' so I liked books and all that crap, but I had something in mind. Not a plan, necessarily, but more of an attempt to know her better. I'm writing her biography for gods sake, so going through old newspapers to dig up on her parents isn't exactly stalking, now, is it?

No Michael, it isn't. It isn't. 

It definitely isn't.


With that thought, I ran to the library. I walked up to the librarian, Mrs. Robinson's desk, and asked her where the old newspapers, particularly the daily in which all the remembrances and tributes were written, were kept.

She replied with "What years do you have in mind, Michael?"

Well, since Eva must be about 17 as I was and we were in the same grade, my best bet would be searching from 17  years or so ago. So "1998 till now should do." is what I replied with.

She took me to the back of the room where nobody looks and pointed to 3 large trunks under some other books. "The first trunk has the daily's from 1996 to 2000, the second from 2001 to 2005 and the last one from 2006 to 2010. If you want to see even older ones, look to their left. For more recent ones, to the right of them. When you're done, please put them back the same way." With that, she leaves me alone. Now, lets get to work.

...It has been 45 minutes since I started and I still haven't found anything. Her parents were rich, so why would they not put some sort of tribute for a deceased member? It was all messed up.

I started putting the papers back. I had finished the first trunk and the bell for the next class would ring any minute. I decided to come back in the break. 

I couldn't help but wish that I had a close friend who could help me.


I ran back to the Library after chemistry, bumping into several people in the process. I was doing fine until I banged headlong into a buff guy and we both landed on the floor. I looked ahead to see it was Eric from the football team, one of Josh's sidekicks. Oh man, this would definitely be the icing on the rotten cake that was my day today. He opened his mouth and I was ready for the blow but all I heard was a soft "You okay, man?" from the shaken boy.

"I'm fine. You?" I tentatively asked.

"I'm good. You're the Michael kid, aren't you? You're Eva's partner for English?" he said.

"That's me." I said getting up.

"Cool hair man!" he said, surprising me.

"Thanks...?" I said, utterly bewildered. 

He smiled and said "I'm sorry for being rude today. Being with the other guys... It just slowly turns you into them, you know? I didn't mean it."

"Is this some sort of joke?" I said cautiously.

He just laughed, started walking, and said "See ya around!"

Well, okay then.

I resumed my hurried attempts to get to the library and upon reaching, I walked right to the newspapers.

"2001, here we go!" I said to myself.

It had been 10 minutes since I had started and I was onto July when something caught my eye. It was the front cover and there was a huge headline reading 'Terror Attack on Air, One Killed'. It wasn't this what caught my attention, though. It was a picture of a man and a 3 to 4 year old, blonde girl with innocent blue eyes that were dull with tears. She looked a lot like Eva. I looked at the date. 18th July, 2001. That's what her age would've been then. Guiltily, I read the article.

'Two American terrorists killed a young woman in an attempt to free their friend from prison. Miranda Allen, 28, was travelling with her 3 year old daughter and husband in an airplane to Switzerland when the gunmen initiated a hostage situation to free their terrorist partner. She, the first hostage, was shot in the head before the passengers and her family when the authorities refused to cooperate, after which their...'

Miranda Allen.

...Eva Allen.

Oh hell.

I too a glance at the photo of 3 year old Eva and her father again and my heart sunk, not only with the sadness of the situation, but also with the guilt. I had never guessed in a million years that it would be this bad. With a heavy heart, I decide to never bring this up with Eva, not until she tells me, which I doubt she ever will.

I also decided to never dig up on another person's past like this ever again, as this just gave me more questions which I couldn't ask than answers.


This was one hell of a difficult chapter to write. 

Since there are a few of you who actually read this, it would be wonderful if you guys left comments :)

Thanks for reading!

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