Chapter 1 Revision

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[Before you begin, this book is a lost book between here and there and might not make sense. Bear in mind I wrote this when I was 12 and have edited it. I am in college now, and decided to edit this, so it will be awhile until I get back to editing, thank you!]

Ron smiles at me, his foot nudges mine ever so gently. I blush pushing a lock of hair behind my ear and advert my eyes to my half-eaten breakfast burrito. The buzz of the hall was getting louder as students pour in.

"Hermione, can you pass me the butter?"Asks Harry, staring at the butter, I smile.

"Sure." I say cheerfully, passing it over.

"Thanks." He grins, buttering his toast.

"So Hermione, what do you want to do today?" Ron says turning to me with an expected look on his face.

"Well its Saturday, I don't know, maybe the library?" I reply, grabbing my book bag, "I would love to nail the next lab but I cannot figure out-"

"You did that last Saturday!" Ron interrupts, he grabs my hand, "I'm your boyfriend, let's study later."

I blush, having a crush on Ron for such a time, it always sent a thrill through me at the thought of it. But it isn't all I wanted, or maybe it is. I am feeling unsure with myself, I feel as if it is a distraction to have a boyfriend. Mess with my academics.

Or is that just an excuse?

"Okay? What do you want to do?" I ask hesitantly.

"Let's go outside, enjoy the finally sunny weather!" He says excitedly, gesturing to the window.

I stifle a grown and bite into my breakfast burrito wanting to taste it, but it just slides down my throat. I didn't want to get dirty, the snow has melted but it is still cold and now it is extremely muddy outside.

"Sounds..." I look at Ron's excited face and sigh, reaching for my orange juice, "fun."

"Great, I need to find some other clothes; my uniform is probably not the best." I look at Ron seeing him wrinkle his brow staring distastefully at his uniform, the sight makes me giggle.

I look at my burrito but it didn't look enticing and push it away. Ron smiles, delighted to see me done and got up, pulling me up. I step out of the bench and he runs ahead to go change without a backwards glance. I start to walk as slowly as possible muttering a polite bye to Harry who simply nods before returning his conversation to Ginny. I turn to look at Ginny who cheeks are dewy with happiness when I crash into someone, with surprise I jolt back onto the ground. No one seems to notice.

I look up and immediately glare, "Oi, watch it, Malfoy."

"Shut up, mud blood." With a sneer, he stands there looking down at me with a small cruel smirk curling his lips.

"Wow, at least I can come up with a better comeback than that, ferret." I reply with a smirk, getting up and reach to grab my book bag.

"At least I can keep my balance." He sneers and I feel him push my shoulder back onto the ground.

"Engorgio." I whisper, making sure no teacher could see me.

Immediately, Draco started swelling, twice his size. His fat buds carry him out as he started cursing. I winced getting up, rubbing my bum. I walk quickly to my dormitory, muttering the password and going to my room. No one is in there thankfully so I change into jeans with a Hogwarts sweater and sneakers. Before I leave, I grab my book bag, stuffing the Potions book inside, with post it stickers in it to review for later. Leaving, I pass all the first years that had the grace to quiet the screeching and resort to whispering about me. I roll my eyes and scan the courtyard with meticulous eyes, uneasiness at the laughing first years who splash in the mud. I hold my book bag tighter.

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