Chapter 6

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*Sabby's POV*

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. I rolled over cursing the man who invented alarm clocks. I managed to open one eye and catch a glimpse of the time. 7:30. I couldn't believe it...I was going to be late for our meeting with our director. SHIT!

I literally dragged myself out of bed because as usual my body did not want to get out of the warmth that my comforter was giving me. But I did....eventually. I had unpacked once I had come home yesterday so I knew what I would wear today. Since my hair was having it's once in a year bad day I resorted to wearing something that would match my beige beanie. I looked through my clothes and found the perfect thing. I had decided on my beige sweater with my dark blue jeans and beige slouchy beanie. To sum it all up, I decided on golden pumps.

When I walked out, I was completely dressed with just a tad bit of make-up on. I wasn't a big fan of make-up but I could go with it sometimes. I saw Laina in the kitchen with John (her butler) trying to make him cook us a full English complete with eggs, sausages and bacon. I don't think that they were aware to the fact that I had been there watching them argue for the last 5 minutes and when I took a look at the time it was 7:50.

''LAINAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE'RE GOINO BE LATE WOMAN!! GET YOU'RE BUM IN TO THE CAR THIS INSTANT!'' I yelled. She jumped when she heard me. And she ran to the car without questioning. John gave me a grateful smile when I passed and wished me good luck for the day ahead. I got there just in time to see Laina's driver starting the car. I managed to get in the car before they drove off


After about 5-10 minutes of driving during which I had plugged in my earphones and started playing One Direction. I had just gotten to Truly, Madly, Deeply when we arrived. ''I liked that song'' I murmured under my breath. I got out of the car and saw a guy standing just outside the studios with a clip-board in hand. When he saw us approaching he said something into his collar mic. I sighed and gave the girls a thumbs-up and said ''Let's do this!''

We pushed the heavy doors of the studios open and walked in. Calling at the receptionist, we told her to show us the way to Caution's director. She gave us a smile and led us to another (sigh) heavy door which we pushed through and found ourselves in a very very well-furnished room.

I heard the other girls gasp at my side. ''Holy shit...It's big isn't it??'' I asked the others. Saffie was the first one to recover and replied by saying that it was. Then out of nowhere a man dressed in his casuals strolled out of the left side of the room (There was a door). ''I take it that you like it??'' He asked. I don't think any of us were accustomed to his very unusual appearance. I mean the guy who's working cabin was such a big place had to be dressed in one of those stiff, crisp collared shirts with coats and straight pants.

I managed to recover before the others. ''Are you our director slash manager??'' I asked. He chuckled. ''Yes, I am...and you are??'' he asked. Till now Anne had recovered and spoke up. ''I'm Anne'' Gesturing to me and the others she said ''And this is Sabelle, Laina, Saffie and Zierra....Together we make Caution!'' . ''Ladies, why don't you take a seat.. I'll be back in a mo'' he said and walked into the pace that he had just emerged from.

A while later he came back in and started giving up a brief intro of himself. ''My names Ed Brown and I'll be your ''director slash manager'' for this competition as Sabbelle puts it. Ladies, I really don't believe in formal relationships between directors or managers with their clients. So, during this period of time I will act like an advisor not a manger or a director...Clear??'' He finished with a smile. All of us just nodded and he spoke again. ''Now, I think we should be heading out to meet your stylist......shouldn't we??'' After this we all trooped down where a huge black limo awaited us. Getting in, we drove of again.


We arrived at a very pretty location that happened to be right at the edge of  the woods. It wasn't a small place.. It was big alright just a bit separated from the others. We all got out of the limo and the driver drove of. When Ed saw me looking into the distance for the car he went ''Don't worry, We'll be here a while''.

We finally caught up with the others who had taken the advantage to venture towards the mansion. They rang the bell and a very pretty woman who looked like she was in her early thirties opened the door. ''Hello! How've you been??'' Ed asked the woman as if he had known her for the whole of his life time. ''I've been good....Niall as usual has been a handful!'' she answered. ''NIALL???'' We all chorused shocked at the same time. The woman chuckled and gestured us in. ''I see Caution is a big fan of One Direction...'' She said. ''Yeah...we all happen to be but what's with the name..Is it like a reference??'' I asked. ''No, I actually have a family background that is from Ireland hence the name'' She said.

''Okay.. stop the chitchatting. It's time we get down to business. This is Rose your stylist and she ahs an adorable baby called Niall.'' Ed said. We chorused our hello's and told Rose to bring Niall downstairs. She told us that once were done with our styles then we could meet him.....

Let the battle commence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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