Chapter 15

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I woke up at 3 in the morning because we had to get to the forest by 4...And we were meeting Ed. I dragged myself off my bed and stripped. I turned the shower on and my body was greeted by a blast of warm water that helped me wake up. I slid the towel off it's holder and wrapped it around me so that I wouldn't feel cold.

I walked to my closet and slid it's doors open. After a few minutes of searching I found my perfect outfit. It was a red zip-up hoodie with dark blue jeans. I was told by Ed that we would be going into the forest on foot so I thought I'd wear my Converse. I brushed my hair and blow-dried it. Then, I made it into a side braid that hung over my left shoulder. I pinned my flick to the side and walked out of my room. 

I checked the time on my phone to see 3:15. Wow, I had been fast in taking my shower hadn't I?? I usually take lot's of time. I walked into the hotel restaurant to see all the cooks preparing there dishes at the moment. Luckily the cook who was making pancakes had finished the first 2 ones.

''Hey..Can I have those??'' I asked pointing to he pancakes that lay on a dish next to the stove. ''Sure..Wait aren't you Sabelle from Caution??'' He asked. ''Guilty!'' I said and raised my hand up. ''My daughter is a very big fan of your band and of you..You're her idol!'' He said. ''Really??.. Do you have something I can sign??'' I asked. ''Yes,'' He said fumbling with a pad of paper and a pen and sliding it across the bar.

I signed it and slid it back to him, flashing him a smile on the way. He slid the pancakes over to me and I picked them up and went and sat on the table. After 15 minutes I was done and the girls had come down.

Seeing me sitting alone, they all made their way over to me. ''Had your breakfast??'' Saffie said, gesturing to the empty plate in front of me. I nodded. I checked the time on my phone,3:30. I gasped. ''Guys...It's 30 minutes to 4..Shouldn't we be going?'' I asked. ''Yeah, we should. But Ed's not here yet.'' Saffie said.

Just then Ed's cheery voice rang out through the restaurant. ''Come ladies...We gotta move!'' he said as we all grabbed our phones and exited. As soon as we were out of the hotel, paps started taking pictures of us. We all climbed into the golf carts, yes golf carts that were going to take us to the forest where we were going to shoot.

After a few minutes of bumps and random jokes, we arrived. One thing was for sure..We certainly are going to have some fun time here, I thought to myself as I got out. The forest was massive and to shoot Alice here would certainly be fun.

''Okay-'' Ed said snapping me out of my thoughts. ''Change of plans, we're going to do two fun music videos and one sad, depressed one!'' he said. ''We'll be shooting Alice, One Thing and Demons. Alice and Demons will be here but One Thing will be somewhere else and I won't tell you the place okay??'' He said to us.

When he finished a small lorry came and parked right next to our golf carts. ''Ah, here come the dresses!'' Ed said excitedly. All 5 of us exchanged glances..Dresses??

We all followed Ed to where he was going which led us to a middle-sized caravan that was painted a bright yellow. Ugh, too sunshiney for my mood today. Ed went and stood right next to the back of the caravan.

The door at the back swung open and out stepped a guy. He heaved out a huge metal rack on wheels and put it on the ground. Then he wheeled it over to us and stopped it right in front of us. And by that I mean by me and the girls. I held his gaze for a second and he gave me a wink. I acted like I was going to puke to show him that he had disgusted me and looked away.

Then my gaze was averted to the metal stand that stood in front of me. My eyes scanned the whole thing, taking in the dresses that were wrapped in a heavy plastic to the shoes at the bottom. I noticed that each one of the dresses was labeled with our names. There were 5, meaning one for each of us and 5 pairs of shoes peaking out from under the long lengths of the dress.

Oh god, Please don't make this all princessy! I begged silently inside. ''Ladies, As you see each of these dresses have been labeled so that you can pick yours and go get changed. There are also pairs of shoes that are lined underneath each of your dresses. Which ever shoe sits under which ever dress belongs to it. Now, take yours and kindly go to Rose!'' He said.

All 5 of us walked to our rack and grabbed our dresses and our shoes. I pulled the plastic cover off of my dress to find myself looking at the prettiest dress I've ever seen.Around me, the girls were staring open-mouthed at their own dresses just like I was staring at mine. Mine was a very deep shade of blue. It's top part till the waist was blue floral net. So were it's sleeves, but the sleeves were fitted and went till my elbows. It flowed down to the hems after that. There were silver pumps along with it.

I snapped out of my reverie to realize the world around had started to stare at me as well as my dress. I stared at the others and their dresses. Laina was supporting a deep purple dress with golden pumps. Zierra was holding a fuchsia dress and purple pumps. Saffie was holding a dark green dress with silver pumps like me and Anne was supporting a dark orange dress.

All 5 of us started walking towards the cabin that had been set up as the make-up and dressing station. I stepped into one and locked the door. I took a deep breath and stripped as quickly as I could and slid the dress on. I put my pumps on and walked out.

The girls were done before me and all 4 of them waited for me to come out. They all gasped. ''You look beautiful!'' Saffie said. The others nodded their head in agreement. ''So do you!'' I replied. All 5 of us took a seat in front of the mirrors set up for us.

''Okay, Saffie, we're doing your hair in a bun and curling your fly away strands of hair. Laina, we're going braid your hair and let it hang over your shoulder. Anne, we're letting you're hair down but pining your flick back in twisties. Zierra, your hair are going to be in a bun too. Sabby, your hair are going to be left down with nothing done.'' Rose finished.

Okay, I'm good with that. I seated myself in front of one of Rose's assistants and she started doing my make-up. For the next 20 minutes I surrendered myself into the hands of the assistant. I finally opened my eyes and saw someone else, not me. I mean I couldn't look that beautiful, could I??

I stood up and walked outside where Ed was standing. ''Ed..'' I said and Ed whipped around.''Woah, You look beautiful!'' He said. I blushed and looked down. By this time the girls were done and had come outside. ''Come let's go!' Ed said to us and led us into the forest.

After dividing the song Alice into parts, we started shooting. I was given the first part till the chorus. I started by walking through the labyrinth that was made out of the forest. I started lip singing and when the high parts cam I stopped and ran towards the clearing in the middle. There I saw all the girls come into the clearing at the same time and I ran forward and hugged them. Then we exited the labyrinth and Saffie started lip singing her part.

A few hours later...

''And that's a wrap!'' Ed said and clapped his hands. We all cheered and high-fived. ''Reporting time is 3 again!'' He said. We bid each other good night after changing into our normal outfits. I climbed into the driving seat of the golf-cart and made the driver sit in my place. Yeah, I can drive! I shifted it out of reverse and drove off. After dropping us off at our hotel and let the driver take it back.

I unlocked the door to my room and fell onto my bed. I logged into my twitter and tweeted:

Hope you guys like the new music video! Had such a long day today.. xx @Sabby!

I logged of after tweeting and closed my eyes. Good night I faded into white.

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