The Doll Guidence Center

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  If you have any questions on the Sign up Form right them in the comment below!  They'll be written here just incase any one else has the same question.

                       Q and A

Q: can I kill a sonic Hero?

A. Yes! But as a Doll Rp'er you must not kill a sonic hero without permission!

Q: If I'm a doll can I become a sonic Hero?

A: TRAITOR! Naw I'm kidding, no once you have submitted Doll Sign up form you must stay a doll to prevent confusion of other Rp'ers.

Q: can I love another doll?

A; uh....I guess but your main focus is taking over the world DONT LET YOUR RELATIONSHIP GET IN THE WAY!

Q: sexual content?

A: no please....that's what Pm is for....

Q: is cussing aloud?

A: yes, but keep it at a minimum.

Q: can I take over the Rp?

A: NO please don't be a God or RP hogger! If some one punches you keep it realistic! Ether take the hit or dodge! "Goes through me" IS BULL CRAP!!! No no no!

Q: can A doll be immortal?

A: well...sorta of...if you are heavily damaged and don't attend the regenerator Sector for medical attention your gem will shut down and Someone will have to take you back to the Regenerator sector to be regenerated.

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