The Hero Guidence Center

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Sonic: Here you can ask questions about how to be a sonic Hero! Write them in the comment so they can be posted here just incase someone else has the same question!

                          Q and A

Q: Can I kill a doll?

A: The dolls are practically immortal but don't crush there gems without permission!

Q: can I be in love with another Hero?

A: sure! But keep your focus on saving the world!

Q: sexual content?

A: no please....that's what Pm is for....

Q: Is cussing aloud?

A: yea! But keep it at a minimum

Q: am I immortal?

A: no! You can die but only if you give a doll permission to kill you, but don't worry! You'll automatically  Re Spawn back in the Hero bunker!

Q: can I take over the Rp?

A: no! Don't be a God or Rp hogger! That's not fun! If  someone punches you, take the hit or dodge it! Keep it realistic! "Goes through me" is not realistic!

Q: Can we have our friends with us?

A: Yea of course! The more the merrier!

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