Welcome to The Factory...

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Tails doll(me):checking the Machine so more dolls can be made*

You: excuse me...

Tails doll: *turns to you* oh ...hello...I see you were just created..

You: I was...

Tails doll: well then...Welcome to factory creation center where all the other dolls are made...this is only apart of the building, this is mostly a HQ for dolls...there's many more areas of the HQ such as, The regenerator sector
There if you are damaged fatally you can repair yourself there..

You: that could be useful..

Tails Doll: *nods* don't forget in order to operate of course your going to need rest which in the Recharge Bunker.
There your Gem can rest and regain Energy for better operation. You won't have to use it often but it would be best to use it before a battle..

You: I will!

Tails doll: There's also a Training Room if you would to like practice your weapons with other fellow Dolls, there you could make Allies and friends...

You: is it possible to make enemies?

Tails doll: of course your not going to get along with everyone..but you
Must respect and work with one another we're going to take the world..

You: fine...

Tails doll: there's An outdoor Area if you need some fresh air as well...or to hang out with friends and such....there's also..my personal favorite heheh The torture chamber
Which is for humans that know about Sonic and the gang but are unwilling to tell us anything about them....there's chainsaws, meat grinders and all that's stuff in there...be careful in there though you don't want to dismember your own self.

You: I'll be careful

Tails doll: feeling a little blood thirst? Just head on by The Doll Cafeteria, grab some meat to chew on keep yourself from going crazy in battle.

You: heheh *tummy grumbles* uh I'll make sure to check it out...

Tailsdoll: good last but certainly not least there a Main Building where you can hang out talk to friends, relax, watch Tv, play games, Celebrate battle victories and stuff like that....

You: Cool

Tail doll: yea so make yourself at home or explore around but don't stray to far, you don't want to find your self on enemy lines...you'd be in real trouble then but go and enjoy yourself. If you have any questions you can always find me in The Doll Guidance Center.

You: okay thanks!

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