Chapter 1.

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I dragged myself out of my jeep rubbing my tired eyes as I got barely any sleep last night due too the vivid nightmares that won't let me get some rest. I slowly approached Scott who seemed extremely hyper and in a good mood unlike me.
"Hey Stiles how's it going?" Scott asked wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"Okey... I guess" I mumbled under my breath.
Scott went on and on about something that I wasn't even paying attention too as my mind was buried in my nightmares. We were standing in front of my locker when Scott finally took a breath.
"Are you sure you're okey you seem like you haven't slept in days."
"Yeah I'm just having some nightmares." It wasn't a total lie but I didn't want to get into details.

Midway into the lesson my head started pounding I closed my eyes forcing myself to concentrate on the boring lesson. All of a sudden I started hearing sirens. Many of them getting closer. I looked at Scott who seemed like he wasn't bothered by it.
"Hey Scott don't you hear that?" I whispered. He looked at me like I was from another planet.
"Hear what?"
"The sirens they're getting closer." The sirens were now even closer and I could feel my heart beating faster.
"There are no sirens Stiles. Trust me." Scott's answer made me jump in my seat and in that moment the sirens stopped. I looked around shaking my head. It's just my mind playing tricks. I took a deep breath and returned to writhing the notes.

I was writhing notes when I felt a nudge. I looked to my left seeing a very concerned Scott.
"Dude what are you doing?" He seemed really freaked out.
"What do you mean?" Scott grabbed the paper from my desk holding it in his hand. The whole paper, which I thought was just a bunch of notes was full of what it seemed like elevens. My jaw dropped and I shook my head.
"I don't know what's going on?" I whispered my voice was shaking and I felt like my airways were closing up. Scott placed his hand on my shoulder.

"There's a pack meeting at Derek's after school." Scott said not mentioning anything about the notes, the sirens and the dark circles under my eyes. It's probably nothing I mean I'm just a boring human.

I was the last one to arrive.
"Finally! Now can we start?" Isaac said sarcastically. I looked at him narrowing my eyes and gave him a fake smile as I rolled my eyes.
"Stiles you look terrible." Lydia said twisting a strand of hair with her fingers.
"Yeah I know thanks" I snapped.
"You should get some rest." Derek said turning to face me. I was actually shocked he wasn't angry with me for being late and wasn't yelling at me.
"Go to my room and get some rest." He added. I froze my jaw dropped as I shook my head.
"Go" He growled at me and I ran upstairs. I was glad he was letting me sleep as I was really needing it. I took of my shoes and threw myself onto his bed covering myself with the sheets and began slipping into the land of dreams or in my case the land of nightmares.

I woke up to the sound of someone screaming my name and being pressed against someone. When my vision cleared up I saw Scott sitting in front of me. I turned around facing Derek who had his hands wrapped around me. I was drenched in sweat and my eyes were filled with tears.
"What's going on?" I asked my voice shaking.
"Stiles it took us 10 minutes to wake you up. You we're screaming and shaking." Scott said. Derek pulled his arms away standing up.
"Yeah... Uhm... I just had a nightmare. I'm fine"
"Are you sure you're ok?" Derek asked crossing his arms on his chest. I nodded my head slowly getting up " Yeah... You know what I think I'm going to go." I scratched the back of my neck searching for my shoes.
"I'll call you later." Scott said I nodded at him as I left the loft. My head was pounding. The nightmare was impressed into my mind and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Something was telling me it wasn't just a nightmare.
"You're fine. Everything's okay it was just a dream." I kept telling myself as I drove off.

I woke up in the middle of the night to someone holding my hand.
"OH MY GOD!" I screamed jumping out of bed. Derek stood up and backed away from me.
"Derek what are you doing?" I whispered reminding my dad's sleeping in the next room.
"I was just...uhm...well I felt like you were having another nightmare and I tried to calm you down." I remembered I was having a nightmare and all of a sudden it stopped just like earlier that day when Derek held me against him. I shook my head at the thought of Derek Hale carrying about me.
"Well that's really nice but I think you should go now." I said sitting back on the bed. He nodded and made his way through the window. I captured his glance and he looked sad, which made me feel like shit for pushing him away. I shoved my face into the pillow 'what an idiot' I thought to myself.

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