Chapter 8.

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Derek slowly let go of Reed who collapsed on the ground. Derek kept his gaze attached to mine a blank expression covering his face, Reed looked at me his yellow eyes glimmering backing away from Derek and disappeared into the night. I turned around to go back inside and Derek followed my every move that lead to my room. We stood in the darkened room, the pale moonlight illuminating us.
"What was that all about?" I asked as I stepped a few steps away from Derek. I couldn't make out his face but I knew he was filled with rage.
"You're asking me this?" He refraised my question.
"Yeah I am. You almost choked Reed I front of my house"
"Oh okay so when someone flirts with you I shouldn't mind it!" He raised his voice making me flinch. Derek reaked of jealousy.
"What are you talking about?"
"For god's sake Stiles! Don't tell me you didn't notice Reed flirting with you!" His words gave me flashbacks: the soft touching and whispering, flirty winks and grins, the way he kept checking on me. Derek was right Reed was flirting with me.
"So what if he did it's not like I flirted with anyone!" This time was my turn to raise my voice.
"Well it still hurts seeing you so close to someone else" Derek lowered his voice and turned his head away from me. I never knew he felt like this especially towards me. I slowly went closer to him placing my hands on his cheeks turning him to face me. His eyes were the blue tint of sadness.
"Derek I spend everyday, since I met you trying to get closer to you. And now that I did I won't throw it away. You know how much it pained me to watch you with other people. I'm sorry if I caused you pain but if you want me I'll be yours for ever." He moved his head closer to mine placing his hands on my hips.
"I'd love that" he whispered and I felt his breath on my neck. I pressed my lips against his, the warmth of his lips filling me up with happiness and lust his grip on my hips hardened. Our tongues intervened I moved my hands down gripping at the hem of his t-shirt I started pulling it up when he broke the kissing.
"Are you sure?" I nodded my head. I was sure all I wanted now was to feel him, I need to feel my sourwolf. His tongue slipped back against mine. I removed his shirt as he did with mine. He pressed his lips against my neck biting on it and leaving a trail of kisses to down to my color bone. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso. He carried me and gently placed me on the bed positioning himself on top of me. I ran my fingers down to his belt pushing his jeans off. He left a trail of kisses down my stomach and pushed my jeans off as well. When he looked back our eyes met as my golden ones attached to the electric blue that glowed in the darkness. Our tongues danced circles.
"Turn around" he whispered the command and I slowly shifted. He traced my back with his hand and kissed my shoulder blades.mi grasped the sheets as his hands started pulling of my boxers.

I woke up curled next to sourwolf his arm pulling me closer. It was nice waking up to this. I traced his color bone causing him to wake up.
"Morning slyfox" he said with a raspy voice which was extremely hot.
"Morning to you too sourwolf" I replied with a smile. He started getting up and searching for his clothes that were lying across the room. When he found everything he started dressing.
"Where are you going?" I asked looking at him. Is he going to leave already.
"I'm going to make breakfast. Get ready and come downstairs" He said leaving the room. I jumped on my feet and got ready as fast as possible and searched for some some fresh clothes.
The scent of eggs and beacon filled the kitchen. Derek was placing the plates with food on the table. I sat across him and started stuffing my face with the delicious food who'd guess he was such a great cook. When he looked at me a grin appeared across his face. I swallowed the food down and took a sip of orange juice.
"Hey Derek can I ask you something?" He looked away from the newspaper that Wes set on the table next to his plate "Shoot it"
"Did you like had something with Harland?" My voice cracked "Well you see every time you guys are in the same room I can feel a lot of tension" He leaned back in the chair crossing his arms.
"If you're asking if we were ever together the answer is no. I never had anything with her except the hate." I looked at him confused placing the fork down.
"Sagan's were a family of foxes that lived in Beacon Hills and as you know foxes and werewolves don't go well together so when Peter found out about them he killed them all well he though he did.  Out of the five children Harland survived  and the scar on her face is Peter's fault. That's why she hates me."
"But why is she helping us? Do you trust her?"
"I do trust her because I know she wouldn't hurt you. Sagan's were actually the least cunning foxes. We were actually classmates in school."
"How do you know she's not going to avenge her family by hurting you?"
"If she hurts me she hurts you as well. That's how bonds work." I narrowed my eyes at him.
"What's a bond?" I asked.
"Well foxes create bonds with someone they feel the closest to you can compare them to anchors but a bond is stronger."
"Wait so I have a bond with you?" He nodded his head and got up grabbing the empty plates and placing them in the sink. I got up and walked up to Derek wrapping my arms around his waist resting my head on his chest. I felt his strong arms around me and he kissed the top of my head.

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