Chapter 15.

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I slowly opened my eyes and the white bright light blinded me for a second before my sighed cleared. A quiet noise escaped my lips.
"Stiles?" A familiar voice said and I turned my head to meet his sad eyes. A smile was tugging at my corners but his sad expresion didn't change.
"I'm sorry Stiles"
I slowly extended my other hand the one Derek wasn't holding and ran my fingers along his cheek.
"It's okay" I said finally getting back my consciousness . Derek slowly got up from his chair and lowerd his head placing a soft kiss on my forehead.
"I'm going to call the others" He said as he approached the door.

Everyone came to visit. My dad didn't leave my side since he came. Lydia, Allison, Isaac all came at the same time as my dad so the room was pretty packed. Scott and Derek were standing in the corner talking about something but keeping their eyes on me. My dad kept asking me if i was okay even though I gave him the exact same answer everytime. Before they all came the doctor and Melissa did some tests on me which were all clear and the doctor said I will probably be able to go home tomorrow.
Allison tugged at Isaac's sleeve "We should be going now" she said and Isaac nodded his head. He placed his hand on my shoulder "See you soon".
" I too should be going they need me down at the station. Are you going to be okay?"
"Yeah dad I'll be okay" I said smiling at him.
That only left Lydia, Scott and Derek here. Scott slowly approached me standing next to where Lydia was sitting.
"Hey bud Derek and I need to go somewhere okay"
"Where?" I asked.
"To find the person who did this to you" Derek said and before I even managed to say something they all ready left. I looked at Lydia and in respons she smiled softly at me.

"Stiles what's wrong?" Lydia asked as she pushed my front hair away from my forehead. I shook my head and for a moment contemplated on telling her the truth but there's no use in hiding it. Maybe it was nothing.
"I just- I just feel really weird" I said removing my gaze from hers.
" I can't hear you're heartbeat. And before I couldn't hear anyone's heartbeat. No matter how much I try." I stoped for a moment and when she didn't say anything I decided to continue.
"All my senses are gone"
"Stiles" She stoped for a moment and removed her palm from my forehead.
"Stiles you lost your powers"


"Do you recognize this?" I asked handing the piece of paper, that Harland gave to me, to Argent. He took it from my hand and carefully opened it. He was quiet for a moment before he looked back at Scott and me.
"Yes I do" he said and cleared his voice. I folded my arms infront of my chest impatiently waiting for his answer.
"This is the crest of the Deforest family. They are famouse hunters from Great Britain sometimes even referd to as the Queen's Huntsman. They specialize in hunting rare creatures like foxes" Scott and I glared at him.
" Are they the one's who hurt Stiles?" He asked i nodded my head turning my gaze away from his.
"Where can we find them?"
"That's hard almost imposible."
"Why?" Scott asked.
"Beacuse they are great at hiding not even your werewolf senses could find them."
"Do you have anything that could help us?" Argent looked around his apartment and rushed to a locked drawer. He pulled out a handful of keys and unlocked the bottom drawer. He searched around it a bit. He made his way back to where he was standing before. He hold a picture before us.
"This is the man you're looking for. His name is Hector Deforest the head of the family. You'll probably find him in some mansion surrounding Beacon Hills. He is very weak right now so hurry up."

"What now?" Scott asked as we left Argent's apartment.
"We find this bastard"


"I'm sorry you found out about it like this" Lydia said twirling the string of her bag between her fingers.
"It's okay" I was sad and disappointed but I couldn't be mad at her. We were interrupted by the doctor who entered the room.
"Stiles I have some good news for you. You can go home."
"Really that's great!" Lydia exclaimed standing up from her chair.
"Come on Stiles I'll take you home" She said grabbing my clothes from the closet. Thankfully my dad brought some fresh clothes from home. Lydia helped me stand up.

I searched my pocket for my phone and checked the messages. Nothing.
"Hey Lydia I need to make a quick stop before I go home" She twirled a strand of her strawberry blond hair between her fingers. Checking her lipgloss in the rear view mirror.
"Okay where do you wanna go?" She asked as she pulled from the hospitals parking lot.
"Derek's loft"

We walked in too a suprise I was not prepared for. Derek was standing next to Peter and they seemed to be arguing about something. Scott was on the computer and infront of Derek and Peter a man was strapped down to a chair.

"Umm what's going on?" I asked as me and Lydia slowly aproached the scene. They looked at us with disbelief in their eyes.
"Stiles what are you doing here?" Derek asked not moving away from his postion.
"They let me out I texted you like ten times and who is this?" I asked pointing at the man on the chair.
"Were trying to find the person that did this too you. Peter found this one in the woods he belongs to them." Scott said closing his laptop.
"Well have you found anything else?" Lydia asked eagerly. They all looked away which only meant one thing. We got closer to them and as i made my way to Derek something cought my eye. I turned around facing the man on the chair. I didn't recognize his face but there was something on him I saw before. I got closer and kneled down. The man smirked and I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Stiles what are you doing?" Derek asked but I didn't respond. The voices in my head got louder and my hand moved on it's own. Grabing the man's golden necklace that was hanging from his neck.
My blood started rushing through my veins and when I opened my eyes again I was in another place.

I feel like this chapter is a bit boring but the next one will be better:)

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