Chapter 13.

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I stood in the small white room covered with tiles. I kneeled down next to Stiles who was lying on the floor motionless. His pale skin was even paler than usual and under his eyes formed red and purple dark circles. His skin was almost transparent showing every vein in his even skinnier body. I slowly placed my hand on his forehead. Cold sweat drops against my warm palm. My other hand reached for his trying to absorb some of his pain but remembering I'm not physically there. This was like a punch in the face which I would gladly rather take than having to witness my best friend in such a state. I took a deep breath and got back on my feet. I walked towards the steel door. I jiggled the door knob. Nothing. I tried again placing more of my werewolf strength. Still nothing. Rage started boiling up inside me, more hatred for the person that did this to Stiles. I stepped a few steps back steadying my feet on the ground before I slammed my whole body against the steel door. No scratch. It's useless. I started looking around for some other exit probably some kind of a vent when my eyes got stuck on the small window that was behind me all this time. I pulled at the small window knob and cracked it open. It was impossible to get anyone through it but I at least got some scents. As I tried to get more scents I blacked out.

As I opened my eyes a pair of chocolate brown eyes were staring right back at me. A tug at the corners of her lips pulled into a shy smile.
"Are you okay?" Allison asked as she helped me into a siting position. Everyone gathered around and Lydia handed me a glass of water.
"What happend?" Asked Derek eagerly and I started telling the about everything I saw. The horrible but stable position Stiles is in, the whited tiled room with no exit.
"But I do have some good news" I said making them all raise their heads and I saw a spark of hope in Derek's eyes. I told them about the smell of paint from the outside of the small window and the brick building with the old and rusty sign Rainbow paints.
"Wait isn't that the name of the now closed down paint factory five minutes  outside Beacon Hills?"    Lydia said jumping on her feet.
"Well what are we waiting for lets go!" Isaac said grabbing my hand and pulling me of the couch.

"Is this it?" Derek asked as we got out from the car. The fumes intervened with the previous one that was still stuck in my head. I nodded my head.
"Do we have a plan?" Harland asked.
"We follow Scott inside" Derek replied and we headed for the only entrance there was. The doors were easily broken down. The first pair of hunters were seated around a round table gambling their lives a way. One arrow went right at the oldest ones shoulder and before we could even turn our heads Harland and Reed sank their teeth in to the other twos flesh.
"You three go we will held them back!" Allison shouted sending another arrow at a hunter. Derek grabbed me by the sleeve pulling me trough the second door. We ran along the dark hallway. As we got further along the hallway the scent from the room was getting intenser.
"We're close" I said.
Derek pushed open the door at the end of the hallway and on the other side we were greeted by four more hunters. Stiles was just behind the door the hunters were guarding. One of the hunters smirked at us which sent Derek beating the guy merciless to the verge of death. In any other condition I would stop him. I grabbed the other one by the color and threw him against the wall and Isaac did the same. We were finished with the hunters in less than 5 minutes. Isaac grabbed a pair of keys from a hunter lying on the floor. He threw the keys to me and now I finally opened the goddamn door.

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