Chapter 38

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Haru's POV

'I don't even understand why I'm doing this, if she's going out with Makoto there's no reason for me to talk to her.' I still continue walking, my head is telling me to turn around, go back to my house and cook some mackerel but my feet continue to make their way to (f/n)'s house. I got to her house and knock "Hi Mako- Haru what are you doing here?" I walk in not even waiting to be invited inside, she gives me an odd look her (e/c) eyes holding curiosity. "Haru you ok? You don't look too well." She comes closer and puts her hand on my forehead, I blush but grab her hand and put it at her side. "(F/n) I came to talk to you.....about some.....something important." She grabs my hand again and leads my to a couch in her living room, "Haru what's wrong?" She looks at me with concern "why are you going out with Makoto?" I look at her then at the ground, but I couldn't help but notice shock on her face. "I'm going out with Makoto because I was dared to. It's my punishment from the twins for losing a game of mario kart." I look back at her face and see a bit of pink on her cheeks "it's embarrassing really, it's not that I don't like Makoto it's just that I don't feel right going out with him." I continue to stare at her her (h/c) hair shining in the light drifting through the window, her (f/c) shirt looking perfect on her, her (e/c) eyes calming and soothing me even when she doesn't know it I can't just hide it anymore I love (f/n) (l/n). "(F/n) I came here to tell you something important and I should probably say it now before Makoto comes. I really like you, and I don't know what to do I'm hoping the reason you don't feel comfortable with going out with Makoto is because of me. I don't want you to say anything I just want you to think about what I've said." I stand up, walk towards her, and kiss her forehead. I walk towards the door and let myself out, and walk back to my house.

'WHAT JUST HAPPENED????!!!!!!?!' I hear the doorbell ring and see that it's Makoto. "Hey ready to go?" I nod silently and think about what Haru said ' I'm hoping the reason you don't feel comfortable going out with Makoto is because of me.' Gosh what did I get myself into.

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