Life goes on.

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The next day i had school inwhich i hated people couldnt stop staring at me and cathy kept getting annoyed because of it it was finally my last class of the day.I walked into chem with Cathy.

"So then he dropped the coffee on my dad!!"we started to laugh as we sat down

"Did he get in trouble?"I asked Cathy

"No he was only 6,plus they thought it was hilarious"she giggled until we stopped when Harold walked in.

"So what's up with you and harold?"she asked wiggling her eyebrows up and down

"Nothing!its n-nothing.."Cathy just smiled

"Yesterday was not nothing that boy kissed you!"

"It was nothing besides-"Harry had stood infront of us

"Sorry to intrupt,but um uh I told my m-mum already so don't worry."he smiled sheepishly as he walked to his seat.cathy turned to me

"Told you it was something!he gets nervous and shy around you!"I rolled my eyes at her

"The only reason why he's like that is because of what Melissa told the whole school about my problem,it causes him to be nervous"she rolled her eyes

"Whatever you say "the class went by quick and the bell rang

"So what university's are you going to Cathy?"she smiled up at me

"I was going to wait to tell you,but I got into UCLA in California!!"I smiled

"So what about you smartie pants!let me gues Harvard! Wait no Princeton or Berkeley!!??"I nodded no

"I'm going to NYC for uni"


"Uh um arts.."her eyes went wide


"Like to be a journalist and painting and stuff.."he screamed

"No fucking way!!!"everyone in the hall turned to us.she just glared

"Um ya.."I whisper"I leave to NYC the morning after graduation"her smile faded


"I leave after gradation,the next morning.."she just smiles again

"We'll we will make the most of it ya?"I nod as we walk to her car,everything is finally going my way.


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