Prom maybe?

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Chemistry,was my last period of the day and it was kinda boring considering that Cathy left to get ready for tonites football game,that is also why Harry and his crew aren't here for chemistry,most of them are cheerleaders like Cathy or football players like Harry. Then there's also people who skipped class so they could go shopping for prom..which I am for sure not going.the bell rang signaling that school is over.i oh so slowly made my way to my locker,but for some reason everyone was staring at me..god what did Melissa say now. As I got closer to my locker Cathy came running up to me.

"Shouldn't you be at practice for tonight's game?"

"Yes,but I had a ten minute break so I came over here to ask if you're going to the game?"I rose a eyebrow skeptically

"Um no why?" She looked nervous

"Because tonight's the second to last game of our senior year!! You have to come,better yet ill pick you up,okay so be ready at 6:00pm.bye" she jogged back to the football field where I got a glimpse of Harry he was wearing a white tank top,black shorts,gray beanie and his white converse.i had just realized how tan and muscular he was,the tan on his skin brought out his emerald eyes. I must of been standing there drooling over him,when I looked back at Harry who was now smirking. God I swear I'm so embarrassing. I started my walk home.


"Mum?" I heard a crash and her saying bye,as I walked into the kitchen.

"Uh um hi love!"she's hiding something from me.

"Who were you on the phone with?"

"Harry's mum Anne,um we were talking about tonight's game,which she's going to go to support her son." She's acting weird just like Cathy.

"Right,um about the game tonight Cathy wants me to go for purposes unknown,so ya she's picking me up-"

"Ya,YES! Go-i mean you go love." What in the world.

"Great I'm going to start my hw."I ran up stairs as I heard my mom sigh.


arden ⓂⓊⓂ'Ⓢ Ⓟ.Ⓞ.Ⓥ

I was just walking in to the kitchen to start dinner when the phone began to ring


"Hi Claire it's me Anne."

"Oh hey Anne what can I help you with?"she got silent

"I need you to make sure Arden goes to tonight's game."

"Why?"she started to squeal with excitement

"Because during tonight's game Harry is going to ask her to prom!!" I couldnt hold my squeal

"What!!?? Omg how cute!!"

"I know! Just make sure she goes,I'll be attending to capture that moment so I can later on show you okay?"I heard the door open and Arden call out"mum?"

I quickly said goodbye to Anne and hung up to find my daughter in the room.

"Uh um hi love!"she looked at me suspiciously

"Who were you on the phone with?"

"Harry's Mum Anne, um we were talking about tonight's game,which she's going to go to support her son." Which in my case was not a lie

"Right um about the game tonight Cathy wants me to go for purposes unknown,so ya she's picking me up-"

"Ya,YES!! Go-i mean you go on love."

"Great!im going to go do my hw" oh how she doesn't know that tonight's game will be so interesting.

Arden's p.o.v

Finished my to figure out why Cathy and my mum are acting weird my surprise it was already 5:55pm and Cathy would show up any minute.

"Cathy's here!" I ran down the stairs

"Bye mum!"I walked out with Cathy and into her car.

"So why am I being forced

Into going to this game?"

"Because you have to come support your best friend and school!"

"Alright but I'm going to be so very bored." She laughed

"Trust me when I say this,you will not be"


We soon arrived to the game and some how we were like a bit late but I still found a spot next to Harry's mum who was sitting in the front row

"Hi Anne!"she turned and smiled at me

"darling sit! How are you?"

"Great,you know I was pretty much dragged to this game by my friend."

"We'll it's going to be worth it."why does everyone keep saying that?

Everyonce in a while Cathy would look over to me and give me a thumbs up. As for Harry he kept looking at his mum with a nervous smile,what is going on.


It was half time like when the band goes on the field to perform,but instead of that happening all of the cheerleader including Cathy came up to the bleachers . The football players were crowded behind Harry who was holding pink roses behind him were five of his teammates holding down white squares.cathy came towards me.

"Come on!" I looked at her confused and slightly afraid

"What?" She sighed

"Come on we need you on the field!" She grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the stairs

"W-what's going on?!" She turned to me and smiled

"Something great!" As we reached the field the boys with the white squares lifted them up..written upon them said'PROM?' By now I was right infront of Harry who pulled out the flowers. How cliche but oh gosh my heart is swelling

"Hey love"I looked at him completely confused


"Remember how I said I wanted to apologize?"I nodded my head yes"well I'm very sorry for what I've put you through,a-and u-uh um."he was nervously cute and I couldn't help but smile

"I forgive you harry."he looked up at me and smiled his beautiful dimpled smile

"Thank you,and uh I wanted to know if you wanted to go to prom with me?"I looked to the boys holding the signs who were nodding yes.

"I'm sorry Harry.."he frowned and looked down"but your going to have to get a tux and a tie to match my dress."he smiled and handed me the flowers.

"I thought you were going to say no."he picked me up and spun me around as his football team cheered.

"But you better promise you'll stop being such a stalker?"He blushed

"Okay,you should also know Cathy had part in this and that our mums knew about my plans." That explains it. Cathy walked over to us

"Thanks Cathy"she smiled

"Hey you needed a date too and i didn't want you to stay home alone!" I laughed

"Okay,but still thx"I went and hugged her"

"Alright Arden we gotta finish this game,but after we can talk alright?" I nodded

"Good luck styles."

"Thanks hale."he leant down and gave me a kiss on the cheek and I could already feel my face heat up.

"Y-you're welcome."he smirked as he walked off to his team.


To be continued...

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