goodbye is forever.

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soon after my mum left I took my dad's car (he's currently in France and since I already have my license but I cant get a car) I decided to go to A cafe a couple blocks from my house and wait for Cathy to get out for lunch. 'can you meet me at nanny's cafe?' she replied instantly 'ya today we got to get out early' 'alright then hurry' I entered the restaurant, once I stepped in the wonderful scent of food filled my nose, once I sat down Cathy came walking through the door" hey ,what happened to you where did you go off to?" I took a sip of my water " I went to the office" here goes nothing " and why did you go to the office?" I cleared my throat and prepared myself mentally for what was going to happen " to do my finals early" she laughed "oh okay I thought it was something else" I stared at her " that was it right you didn't like drop out or something?" I smiled slightly "I'm done with school Cathy on Wednesday I take my final, and clean out my locker. I wont be going to school anymore today was the end" her green eyes widened "WHAT?!" I didn't dare look up at her I knew she was going to be mad " yes Cathy I'm done with school" she cleared her throat "okay well I know you needed to do that, because other wise you probably would of killed Melissa" I let out a laugh " I also have more news" she looked at me skeptically "and that would be?" I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding " i'll be leaving for New York sooner then I thought, they emailed me about my dorm and classes.. i'll be leaving right after I receive my diploma" she gaped " well its not like I can stop you.." I smiled " okay anyway guess what harry told me?" she rose her eyebrow "and what was it he said?" I frowned slightly " he's leaving after graduation, for the x-factor" she stared at me with a blank expression "what?" I shrugged " ya he told me this about a day ago" she frowned " so you leave the day of graduation and he leaves the next day" I nodded " I already have to start packing" Cathy looked up to me " did you tell him you're leaving too?" " yes I did" " and what did he say?" I frowned once again "nothing he totally ignored it" her eyes widened in pure shock. what did she expect him to drop on his knees crying to the sky? " it's no big deal Cathy, he would never care anyway" she looked at me like I was crazy " he does care trust me when we were together I would always catch him staring at you sometimes he would smile at you, back then I had no clue as to why he did. I mean he'd always put you down so I just ignored it but now I know why" i looked at her shocked really, i was so curious to why i'd always feel like someone was staring at me during lunch and class.." and the reason is?" she smiled brightly " because he's always had a soft spot for you. I think he's always liked you but didn't realize it" I laughed " okay calm down Dr.Phil" she joined in on my laughter, god how I would miss having my partner in crime with me" okay gez "i just smiled weakly " what's wrong?" i looked away from cathy " what if your right Cath what if he does care? huh what do i do then.. Cathy you know better then anyone else that ive liked that boy since we were thirteen. yet he never paid any attention to me until the day i started to stand up for myself. why then cathy why would he finally start to wonder about me?" she looked completely at lose for words " i don't know hun i don't know" "neither do i.." by this time we were finished eating and were ready to leave " alright i'll see you later Cathy" i waved and walked to my dad's car I need to make this right.


I walked out onto the familiar paved walk way and towards the door, i slowly placed my fist onto the cold burgundy wood and knocked twice and took a step back silently waiting for him or someone to open the door. The gold painted knob began to turn and the door opened swiftly there his silhouette stood. I knew that this visit wouldn't end well, but I had to fix this mess " Arden?" I shook my head " hi, could we maybe talk?" he slowly walked outside and stood in front of me " im all ears" I cleared my throat " Harry. I don't think we should keep pretending like you like me" he stared at me like I had two heads "who said I was pretending?" " i did harry and honestly I don't think I want to have feelings for you harry, because i fell hard for you and you weren't there to catch me" he ran his hands through his hair " love you don't get it.. I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU LIKE THE WAY YOU FALL ASLEEP SLOWLY AND THEN ALL AT ONCE! I didn't mean for all this to happen.."I let the tears stream down my face " but harry we both know we wont last long and even if we do you'll be here and I'll be in New York." he walked towards me and gently grabbed a hold of my hands " no , it will work! I know I wasn't the best person before but I know we can make this work please-" his eyes began to water " harry please just leave me alone and if we ever happen to run into each other we'll try to make it work, but right now i cant and im sure you cant either." he began to tug at his hair like how he always does when he's frustrated " alright then love I'll wait , I will wait because you're the only girl who's ever made me feel happy and sick all at the same time,It sucks so much babe that we cant be together and I know that all the tears that have fallen from your eyes were because of me .. but I truly like you"I couldn't look him in the eyes because i knew if I did I'd fall back into his arms. " Harry you don't understand i look in the mirror every day and wonder how you could find this broken girl normal, when she cant even keep her self together" he grabbed my chin and made me look into his beautiful green eyes that were full of tears. " i can look at you and find you normal because im slowly picking up the piece's that I broke" I took a step backwards " im so sorry Harry but we have to stop... i gotta go but please just leave me alone" i let out in a sob and turned around and heard him say something that will always be written in my brain " I love you and trust me I'll make sure we see each again just wait Arden Hale" i quickly got in my car and drove home in tears.


A/N god that was emotional! i hope you liked this chapter there will be i think two or one more chapter before this book comes to a end.

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