Chapter 9 Return

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mwahaha remember??

Another Chapter?!?!



muffin sauce:/

on to the story...


Forever is along time. Maybe half of forever. Not even that much. I'm horrible at commitments. That's why I've only had one relationship with the biggest geek ever.

Figures. Why am I still thinking about this ughhh. I've just checked out of the cooky farm and I'm glad. They watch your every move. I went to go scratch my arm and they were all freaking out. silly nuts.

Its chilly out in Cheshire. I can't believe I spent a week in that place. Lets not go back.

I took out my iPhone 5 admiring its Ed Sheeran case. I might be a fan. Like a crazy super fangurl!?! maybe. I press Ashleys contact and it rings.




"hey this is Ashley if I didn't answer I'm either avoiding you or dead, ya ok bye" beep. Thanks Ashley. Great who do I call. Chris?? um no. Louis maybe but I really want to slow things down.

I know what to do. I remembered I had like €40.00 in my wallet. Louis put it in there for me. dang I need to pay him back. I smiled thinking about shopping with the money. I shouldn't. Yet I must!

He did give it to me to spend. im not going to waste it thats for sure. I signal a taxi over my way. Some creepy douds in it. I dont see any other taxis. Oh well.

I hoped in closing the door. Ooohhhh warmth! "Oi where do you want to go sweetheart" I gagged I'm not use to this kind of talk." yeah can you take me to the Cheshire mall please"

"sure darling" he said with a wink. Than burped. Ew. I looked out the window and noticed it was raining now. Good thing its an indoor mall.


3 hours later

ugh I'm so tired I was carrying six bags. The first is from Victoria Secrets, the second was Hollister and Hot Topic, third was a bag full of heels, converses, and yes slippers, the fourth was hair and nail acccessories, the fifth was old vintage records and CDs, and the sixth was a goodie bag for the boys as an appreciation.

I'm definitely paying him back but I have €20 still. I'm hungry though. There's a place a street down from our hotel called Nandos it sounds good.

I walked to the hotel exhausted but I'm still hungry, when I make it to my room with thank God no run ins with the boys I drop my bags on the floor and turn on the t.v.

News Report so far. Rainy. Cloudy. Foggy. 100% humidity, well duhhh. then I see ~One Directions mystery girl Mary was spotted shopping at Victoria Secret~. What the flapjack. Just then an image of me holding undies pop on the screen.

Oh my God.

I started bursting out laughing. After my fit of giggles, because I'm so mature. I took a shower, scrubbing all the sweat off me.

I changed and put on some black jeans and my white Hollister hoodie with some gold toms. I know I'm so fancy.

I peaked my head out the hotel room and no boys. good. I walked out of the hotel and took my umbrella making my way down the slippery streets till I got to nandos.

I walked in smelling the warm scent of food. I giggled over my stomach growling. "what can I get ya dearie?". a nice middle aged woman asked. I looked down at the menu. yum!

"ill have a plate of ribs please""sure your a walking stick we need to fill you up" she chuckled at her joke while walking away.

I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. I turned around to be greeted with a familiar boy with blue eyes and blond hair with a pair of eyes I haven't seen before.



Wonder who it isc:? you guys should know! mwahaha did u like the shopping part cuz I didc:<









PS yes I know there very short chapters sorry that's life. anyways ILY GUYS!!:'0

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