Chapter 3

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I groan and roll over to slap my hand on the nightstand to shut up my stupid alarm clock. I'm too lazy to get up so I stay in bed for a few minutes before I decide that it would be a good idea to get up, I don't want to be late for my first day of classes. I jump out of bed and run my fingers through my hair a let out a big yawn. Maybe I shouldn't have stayed up so late last night thinking about Louis. Speaking of Louis, he's not here. I look over to his bed to see it complete made and his backpack is gone meaning he already left for the day. I get dressed in my black skinny jeans, white converse and plain white t-shirt. I grab my bag, which I packed up last night, and head to the small café that I went to yesterday. I make my way around campus to my first class of the day, which is English class. When I get there I see the room is set up almost like a horse shoe; the professors desk in the front, with tables and chairs pushed against the remaining 3 walls. I scan the room and see Louis sitting in the back chatting with some other boys, and Liam and Zayn sitting and talking amongst themselves, so I decide to go sit with them. I pull the chair out next to Zayn and sit down, causing him to turn toward me. 

"Oh, hey Harry." He says and Liam turns too. 

"Hi guys." I say and look over my shoulder at Louis. 

"You okay dude?" Liam asks, making me turn back around to face him.

"Yeah I'm fine," I sigh, '"Just trying to figure out why he doesn't like me." 

"Listen, I don't think it because he doesn't like you," Zayn starts, "I think it's more that he's scared, and wants to make himself tougher, he wants you to be scared of him."

"But why?" 

"Well our first year Louis got put with this kid, his name was Billy, he was American or something, total dick. Well he didn't like Louis very much, nor his sexuality,"

"Sexuality?" I interrupt.

"Yeah, Louis he's gay. Anyway, well this kid was a total homophobe or something, he would constantly hurt Louis, both physically and verbally. The kid had multiple warnings to stop, and if he didn't he would be expelled. It went on for about two months and he didn't stop. So one day we were in our room, and we could here Louis screaming 'No please don't, please don't!' so our other roommate at the time, Niall, went to get the dorm advisor who came up and found Louis pinned on the ground by Billy, who got expelled. Then they moved Niall in with Louis. Louis did the same thing to Niall that's he's doing to you. But he realized that Niall wasn't that bad and if it wasn't for him he would still be stuck with Billy. He'll loosen up eventually just give him time." Zayn finishes. 

"But I just don't get it, I never made any moves or said anything that would make him think that I was going to hurt him or something like that." I shake my head in frustration.

"Don't worry about it mate, he just has trust issues and is paranoid that's all." Zayn pats my shoulder, "If you look on his arm he's got a small scar from when Billy decided to throw a pocket knife at him."

My eyes widen in shock, "He threw a knife at him?!"

"Relax, it was just a pocket knife and he's fine so-" he gets cut off by the teacher telling us to take all of our stuff and stand in the center of the room, which everyone did.

"Okay everyone; I'm putting your seats in alphabetical order so I can remember all your names." She announces and starts calling students telling them where to sit.

"Harry Styles," she says pointing to a spot in the back of the room. I take all my stuff, pull the seat out and sit down as she continues to read off the names and assign seats, "Louis Tomlinson." She points to the seat next to mine. As soon as I hear her say his name my head shoots up and I see Louis giving me a death glare, and I swear if looks could kill, my head would be chopped off and I would be dead. With a loud thud he drops his books on the table and pulls the chair out with his foot and sits down. I tap my fingers on the table until she finishes reading off the rest of the names. "Okay, for your first project I am partnering you up with someone in this class and you will have to get to know the person along with having to write a paper, with things you have in common, things you don't and just about the person in general, you guys need to talk and make friends with people you normally wouldn't."

The New (unwanted) Roommate- Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now