Chapter 7

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I wake up and see Louis peacefully sleeping in his bed and the memories from yesterday come flooding back to me. Going for dinner then coming back and playing video games late into the night. It's the first time since I got here that I actually felt like a uni student instead of some kid who keeps getting yelled at by his crush. It was a good feeling knowing that Louis wanted to be at least civil with me.

I look at the clock and I realize it's nearly ten. I shower, because I didn't take one yesterday, and throw on some clean clothes. That's when I realize I'm going to have to do laundry soon, I haven't done it once since I got here and and running out of clean clothes. Louis is still peacefully asleep when I'm done with my shower and changing. I decide to see what Zayn and Liam are up to because I haven't talked to them in a while and I have to tell them what happened last night. I quietly open the door and slip out of the room. Liam and Zayn's door is open so I just walk in.

"Hey, Harry." Liam's says when he sees me and I smile.

"Hi, Liam. What are you guys up to?" I can hear Zayn in the bathroom rattling something around and he comes out with a basket of laundry.

"We were actually getting ready to go down stairs and do some laundry. We're both running out of clean stuff." He says and Liam stands up. "Want to come with?"

"Sure, let me just go grab my stuff from my room." I say and scurry out of the room.

"Here let me take that babe." I hear Liam say behind me and I enter my room. Louis still sound asleep so I grab my stuff and I see his sitting by the side of his bed. I decide to grab it as well and leave as quickly and quietly as possible. When I get back in the hallway Liam has their hamper of dirty laundry in his hands and we start to walk to where they have the washer and dyers set up. We each start our loads and sit down to wait for them to be done.

"So what happened last night?" Zayn asked as we were waiting. I explained to him how Louis came in the room and asked if I wanted to go eat and how Louis said that he wanted to at least be civil because we'll be living with each other for the next year. I tell them how when we got back we changed and played x box before going to bed and how Louis has the drawer full of snacks that he said we could share as long as if I eat the last of something I tell him so he could buy more, and I just told them everything.

"See, I told you it would all be fine." Zayn smiles and ruffles his fingers though my hair messing it up.

"Hey! You messed up my hair!"

"Oh, please. It's nothing more than a mop of curls on your head." he says.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I just hope he stays like this." I sigh. Louis could me totally find one day and totally not the next. Yesterday was good, but today is unpredictable.

We finish up and all headed back upstairs. I walked into our room and Louis is up sitting in the middle of the room on a bean bag watching the TV. "Where've you been?" he questions.

"I was downstairs with Liam and Zayn doing laundry." I tell him.


"Here's yours." I put his now clean and folded laundry on top of his bed as he watches what I'm doing.

"You did mine too?" He looks up and makes eye contact with me.

Oh god, here it comes the yelling and screaming because I touched his stuff, the, 'I'm never talking to you again' the 'I hate you'.

"Y-yeah. I did." I stutter and close my eyes and clench my teeth nervous for his response.

"Oh, well thanks." I hear him say and I open my eyes. You mean he doesn't care that I touched his stuff? I guess it'll be a good day today.

The New (unwanted) Roommate- Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now