Chapter 8

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After lunch we came back to the dorms and went our own separate ways; Liam and Zayn went back to their room and Louis and I went back to ours. Everything went well at lunch and it somewhat felt like a double date but not really. It's kinda hard to explain but now Louis and I are just doing our own things in the room. Louis' doing something on his laptop and I'm just messing around on my phone trying to kill time since it's only around 4 o'clock.

"So," Louis suddenly says and looks over at me, "Have you seen any cute girls around?" He tries to make conversation after us sitting in silence for about forty-five minutes.

I contemplate telling Louis about my sexuality but I decide not to. "Uh, no not really."

"Oh, come on, not one?" He asks me.

"Uh, no." I say and he looks at me, "Hey, listen, Louis." I sigh, "I have something to tell you." I decide that I'm just going to tell him because it doesn't really matter and it's just better that he knows.

"You're gonna tell me you're gay aren't you?" He guesses.

"Uh, yeah, I was. How did you know?" I ask surprised. The only people I've told here are Liam, Zayn and some of their friends. I really don't think it's that noticeable, but he must be one of those people that can just tell.

"Just did." He shrugs. "Hey, listen about earlier with Zayn," he starts and plays with a string he has in his hands. "Uh, not many people know about this but I figured I'd tell you since you were kinda in the middle of it." He pauses, "Me and Zayn had a thing a few years ago and..."

"You're gay too?" I ask seeming like I didn't know.

"Uh, yeah..."

"And that's how you knew I was gay."

"Yeah." He nods his head.

"And you and Zayn dated?" I try to wrap my head around it.

"Well, yeah-"

"But why did you sound so angry when you said 'You're better off with him anyway'?"

"If you would stop asking so many questions I would tell you." He laughs.

"I'm sorry." I say so he'll continue because I need to know as much as possible.

"Me and Zayn dated for like 6 months back in the beginning our first year," he says and his voice gets quieter. "Uh, but then I found out that he was only dating me to try to get his feelings for Liam out of the way because at that point he didn't know about Liam."

"Did you love him?" I burst out without thinking about what I'm saying and instantly regret it.

"Um, I don't-" he buries his face in his hands, "I mean," he tries to continue.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. I was talking without thinking." I say so he doesn't have to continue. I feel bad for putting him on the spot like that.

"No, no, it's okay I just haven't really talked about it much." He says. "I mean I guess kinda. Yeah, I did."

"You were heartbroken?" I ask because I know sometimes it's good to talk about things you never really have. It's not good to keep things in for a long time, and that may be why he snapped at Zayn today.

"I mean yeah. Anyone would be heartbroken if they were falling for someone and then found out they were just doing it to try to make other feelings go away." He expresses. "But I guess the hardest part was right after I started to remember someone else in my past and it just made my heart hurt even more than it did."

"How did you find out?" I ask to keep him talking.

"He-he told me." His voice cracks and it seems like he is starting to get upset.

The New (unwanted) Roommate- Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now