Chapter 1

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I arrive on campus the first day for students to get settled in before classes start in a few days. I am actually somewhat nervous, it's my last year at uni, but I transferred, so new school equals no friends. I was told that my roommate was a boy named Louis though. I look down at my paper,


Third floor

Building 4

I quickly find building 4, with help from a very large sign, that I almost miss. I take the lift up to the 3rd floor being that I have all my bags full of my clothes and stuff. I find room 401; it's the last room on the right, well at least that's only one neighbor to deal with. I try to open the door, but it's locked. So that means that I am the first to arrive, which is probably not the case being that it is already almost three in the afternoon, and most students started to arrive at seven in the morning, or that I have a really weird and paranoid roommate. I have to drop all my bags to dig for the key, which is somewhere deep in my pockets. I pull a key out of my pocket, but it's my freaking house key and I don't even know why I brought it with me. I stick my hand back in my pocket and find it then place it in the lock and turn it and kick the door open before picking up all my things off the ground. I walk in the room and it's actually quite big for only 2 people. The wall directly in front of me is covered with windows, on the right there is a large desk with a boy sitting at a computer, which I assume is Louis. To the left is a bed in the corner, which is also touching the left wall. On the wall to the right sits the other bed, with the boy behind the side of it. On the wall behind me are two dressers. On the one closest to me sits a small TV with a X-box already hooked up to it. The one on the right has a small fridge sitting next to it on the floor. I clear my throat, "Hi," I say and the boy immediately turns around in his chair, and I see his crystal blue eye. "I'm Harry, Harry Styles. And you must be Louis." I smile.

He rolls his eyes "Yeah that's me. Now listen I didn't want a roommate, but they told me I needed to share, so I'm stuck with you. Just don't come near me or my stuff, and don't try to talk to me or ask me any questions, you got it Curly?" he commands. 

"My name is Harry." I quietly mumble, not wanting to be yelled at again by him.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?" he questions.

"Yeah..." I trail off. I take all my stuff and head to the bed on the left side of the room, assuming that it was mine because Louis had clearly claimed the right side of the room. The bed on this side of the room was slightly larger though, which I couldn't complain about. I take a seat on the edge of the bed and run my hands through my hair. What a great way to start a new school year. Why does he hate me, I mean all I did was say hi, like what is so bad about that? I decided to take a walk and explore the campus, and I wanted to spend the least amount of time possible with this kid. I grabbed my key and my mobile and walked out of the room not saying anything and I pulled the door closed behind me. The door directly across the hall from mine is open, so I stick my head in. I see and boy with dark hair, unpacking his suitcase, and another boy sitting down staring at his computer screen. I don't want to interrupt them so, I turn to walk away and the floor board squeaks under my feet. I turn my head to face the door hoping that neither of the boys heard me, but they did. The one that was sitting at his laptop was now looking at me. "Sorry, sorry I'll get going." I say, and turn to walk away.

"No,come in!" he exclaims, and I step inside the dorm room which is set up almost identical to mine. "I'm Liam," he says "and that's Zayn." He points to his roommate.

"Hi, I'm Harry. Harry Styles." I reply.

"Are you new here? I've never seen you around." Zayn says.

I nod, "Yeah, I transferred schools for my last year."

"Nice!" the boy Liam exclaims "maybe we will have some classes together."

"Maybe...." I agree, "Alright well it was nice meeting you guys, hope to see you around." I say and go to walk out the door.

"Hey listen," I hear Zayn say, so I turn back around, "Where's your dorm?"

I point to the closed door across the hall "Right there."

"Oh, so you're with Louis, yeah?" Liam asks.

"Yeah..." I groan.

"I see that you are not very fond of that." Zayn says. 

"Erm, no. Not really." I tell them.

"Don't worry, he's just a little sour because his roommate for the past three years transferred schools. He really is a nice kid though, he should lighten up, just give him some time." Zayn reassures me, "Great singer as well." He adds.

"Really?" I question.

Zayn nods, "Yeah, he got the lead of the musical last year," he says, "Li and I sing a bit too." He smiles.

"So do I," I reply, "maybe sometime we could all get together." Zayn and Liam agree and I say goodbye before leaving the room. I start to walk around campus and it's actually a lot bigger than I first thought. There is dozens of different buildings for classes and dorms, a large gym, and indoor swimming pool, and a theatre. Before I knew it, it was already almost 9 so I decided to head back to the dorm. I try to oopen the door, but like before it was locked. I take the key out of my pocket and open the door, to my surprise Louis is nowhere in the room. Bathroom maybe? I think, but then remember that we are at the end of the hallway so we got our own bathroom connected to the room, another perk of being at the end of the hallway. I don't really care where he is, it's not like he is going to talk to me anyway. I walk over and open my suitcase because I still need to unpack it. I start taking things and putting them in the drawers, while subconsciously singing 'For the First Time' by The Script. I finish unpacking my clothes and take the picture of me and my sister Gemma and place it on top of my dresser. I look over to see a picture frame on top of Louis, so being curious I walk over to look at it, which I'm not supposed to do, but he's not here so he'll never know right? It is a picture of him with four young girls hanging all over him. Could they possibly all be his sisters? I pick it up to get a closer look and I hear a cough and look too see where it came from. I see Louis leaning against the door frame "Nice little voice you got there kid." He says. Shit, how long has he been there? 

I freeze still holding the picture in my hand and look up at him "Erm, thanks," I stutter, "I thought you said you didn't want to talk to me."

He chuckles, "I said don't you try to talk to me, I said nothing about me being allowed to talk to you." He says, sassy much? "But I did say not to touch my stuff." He snatches the picture frame from my hand and places it back where it was.

"Sorry, it's just- they're all your sisters?" I ask.

"Yeah, Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe, and Daisy." He points to each one in the picture. "And my mum just had another set of twins, Ernest and Doris." He picks up another frame with a picture of him and the two babies, one in each arm, and hands it to me to look at.

"Wow." I say, "They're adorable." I hand the picture back to him and he puts it back down.

"And I'm guessing that's your sister?" he asks and points to the picture I have on my dresser.

"Yeah, Gemma." I say.

He walked over to the mini-fridge and grabbed two bottles of water and tosses one to me. "Come on, I wanna talk to you." He says and takes a seat in one of the bean bag chairs in the middle of the room, which I have no clue how they got there because they were not here when I first came in this afternoon, but I take a seat in the one opposite of him. "So where ya from?" he asks.

"Um Holmes Chapel." I tell him, and he tells me he is from Doncaster. We talk for about another ten minutes before he decides he has had enough of talking to me and heads to bed. Maybe it won't be so bad. 


Hi guys! so this is the first chapter of my first story! please let me know what you think! also do you guys want a side ship of ziam in this story?

The New (unwanted) Roommate- Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now