XXIV - The Persecution

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The scientific ship Science and the battlecruiser Star Hunter followed in the mishap of the fugitives. When they reached the Canis Major constellation, they activated again the prototype of the gravitational field-forming weapon, to open a path for the terrestrial solar system. This way, they found out that the alignment formed between the gravitational fields of binary stars and the gravitational field of the terrestrial solar system was in fact favorable to the creation of a wormhole.

"Drako, open the way and trace the course to the past of planet Earth. Can you track Genesis spacecraft?" Merko asked, staring at the holographic navigation images. "The problem is that I have no idea of the time and place to which that insane Mirov went."

"Don't worry, sir, I can handle this. When you were talking to Counselor Kenan about Mirov's intentions, I was able to retrieve the personal files he had deleted and found some maps with the routes he planned to make. I can assure you that I know exactly where that madman is."

"You surprised me again, Drako! Then trace the coordinates and let's follow him."

"Yes, Commander Merko."

Drako used the gravitational weapon that the engineers had installed on the ship and distorted the space-time, following the coordinates of the map planned by Mirov. Finally, they arrived at the terrestrial solar system, but some years after Mirov's passage, due to some distortion of the calculation that he had made with the coordinates.

On the Earth they found, the forests were already developed and occupied almost all the soil of the planet. Giant beasts walked and ran on the surface: dinosaurs had dominated the ecosystem. Mirov had put them there and had reached his goal.

As soon as the Commander arrived at the command room, Sivoc informed him:

"Merko, unfortunately, we've arrived much after Mirov and the dinosaurs already dominate the Earth. In a few dozens of years, the human ancestors will be totally decimated. They will be hunted as insects by the creatures until their total extinction."

"Z8, evaluate the terrestrial ecosystem and tell us what year we're in" Merko ordered, determined to take some action to save the human species.

"That bastard Mirov. He wants power no matter how... He will decimate the whole human race, including us, on mere whim."

After a few moments, the ship's central computer answered:

"Sir, if we put the 21st century, that is, the time you were living on this planet as the time frame, we are about 65 million years ago."

Everyone was at the Science's central table and stared at each other, thinking of a solution. It was Merko who broke the silence:

"I have an idea!" He shouted excitedly, making all eyes turn toward him. "Once, my friend Silion and I diverted a meteor from our planet with the laser weapons of your ship, thus saving all of us from an impact that would annihilate us. Upon reminding this I thought: Why can't we repeat the feat here, but doing the opposite? Thus, we can use the laser weapons of our ships to deflect the trajectory of a great meteor, and to finish once and for all with these dinosaurs."

"What a great idea, my friend Merko. We can use the laser beams of our two ships, further increasing the possibility of success. With accurate shots tangent to the meteor, we can accurately calculate the location of its fall!" Sivoc added.

Zara and Nicholas looked at each other. Telepathically they began to talk:

"I think that's crazy. Besides being a difficult task to accomplish, it can also end all life and perhaps the planet itself. A small deviation in the asteroid's trajectory can cause a fatal explosion," said Nicholas, startled.

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