Chapter 10

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Angels day couldn't get any better he was with a beautiful girl who actually made him happy and was a great girl the whole time they were together eating and just hanging out Angel couldn't keep his eyes off her or keeping a smile off his face.

10:56 pm and Angel and were still together talking and making their connection with each other stronger.

"Damn its getting late we gotta hurry and get to my house my dads gonna go crazy if I'm late" she says pulling his arm the direction of her house.

Angel still couldn't help but smile "ight let's go"

Walking up to her house Angel didn't want to leave Dibett without getting something after have such an amazing day with her and before she could do anything he held her back from going inside.

"I had an amazing day with you but I mean it doesn't have to end like this" he says biting his lip.

Looking up at him she could see him staring at her lips licking his getting shy as more time went by "so how do you think would finish off this perfect day Angel huh?" She says smirking

"A kiss maybe" he says looking into her eyes

Dibett cheeks start to turn red "I think I'd like that"

As they both lean in to kiss each other a mans voice yelling down to them interrupting everything causing them to look up.

"Dibett conseguir su culo en la casa que es!!"

Dibett's face went from happy to tight in 2.5 seconds " ughh I'm sorry thats my dad but I gotta go next time I see you I'll give you that kiss I promise ok" she smiles and kisses him on the cheek real quick and heads into her building.

Standing there a little confused on how fast that all happened a smile was still on his face and he couldn't wait to see her again which of course was gonna be pretty soon.

He was happy he at least got a kiss on the cheek.

Walking back to the train he couldn't keep his mind off Dibett she was like his escape he didn't think in only a day this girl could have such a hold on him.

Getting into the train he really didn't want to leave, he still wanted to be with Dibett but going home was the only option so he got on the train and headed all the way back to Queens.

I'm sorry about that my dad is really over protective of me.

Its ok I just really want that kiss

Lol I told u ull get it next time I see u

Can I see you tmm? I really want to

Lol ofc you can tmm but come early so we have more time to spend together

Ight can't wait

Angel couldn't wait till tomorrow he was really looking forward to everything that might happen tomorrow.

Walking into the house it was no different as before and empty house of complete silence. But he didn't care it was what he was use to.

After getting out the shower he went to the couch and laid down turning on the tv to Nickelodeon and got on his phone and sees he got a message from Dibett

Hey call me 401-657-6767

Angel didn't waist no time and he called the number. Hearing the phone ringing made him nervous as hell.


"Hey wassup finally I got u number"

"Shut upp omg" Angel could tell she was smiling, he loved hearing her voice she sounded so sweet and innocent.

"So wassup what happened u ok?" Angel said

"Yeea I'm alright I just wanted to talk to u on the phone now is better them never"

Listening to her voice Angel really liked this girl and talking to her and getting to know her made him catch more feelings for her.

That whole night they talked and talked and talked breaking night with each other for the first time.

"Angel I'm getting tired can we sleep on the phone together?"

"Yeea sure why not let's go to sleep" he didn't wanna go to sleep but he had no choice.


Waking up seeing it was 8:30am Damian rubbed his eyes and looked to His side seeing Samantha sound asleep he turned over to her and kissed her cheek and smiled. She turned her head and Damian's eyes widened and saw that it his ex wife Samantha, he was so shocked he fell off the bed "Damian come with me, come with me I miss you, come with me he's waiting for u its time" Damian couldn't speak he couldn't understand why this was happening. "Damian come now, come with me now!"

Damian instantly opened his eyes wide breathing heavy making sure he was actually awake.

Looking to the side of him he wasn't sure who he was laying next to he was hesitant to touch her but he went for it and saw it was the Samantha from last night and he let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god"

He kissed her cheek and she woke up and looks at him and kissed him. "You alright baby u seem like u seen a ghost" she said rubbing her eyes

"Um yea I'm alright just a bad dream go back to sleep babe"

"Mmm ight fine u gonna sleep with me??" She said pouting her lip line a baby.

"Yeea I'll sleep with u babe." He said trying to make it seem like nothing was wrong.

While they cuddled Damian couldn't sleep all he was thinking about was what had happened in his dream and what it meant, he tried getting it out his head but something like that he wasn't gonna shake it easily.

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