I will survive

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Chapter 1

May 20th, 2015 hours, 2015

Wilson lee was a 17 year old teenager who was born in Singapore, he had always hated the life he was born with, being orphaned from birth never knowing his parents, often bullied in school because of his scrawny build, constantly failing all his subjects, all around scorned by his schoolmates and teachers alike. As a result he grew up with 17 years of hatred building in his heart, he hated everything and everyone, but most of all, he hated himself for not standing up to his tormentors. 

"it's not like i can do anything... everyone is against me, even if i do stand up to them i'm going to be beaten up again anyway" thought wilson as he slowly climbed up the stairs, "tonight this ends, after tonight my torment will end." he thought to himself as he made his way up to the roof. 

Wilson leaned over the edge to see how far the fall was, instantly he regretted it, drawing back quickly losing his balance and falling hard on the floor. 

"calm down wilson, you want to die, you know it, it's the only way" he thought to himself as he stood up and slowly made his way over the edge again. He sat down and peered over the edge wondering what death would be like, slowly he drifted away, thoughts of his childhood flashed back like photos. *flash* images of his parents leaving him at an orphanage. *flash* Getting hit by the caretakers at the orphanage. *flash* first day at school, instantly picked as a target for bullying due to his background and his physique.

Wilson did not know how long he sat there dazed, slowly recalling his painful memories, however the resolve to commit suicide slowly return, he stood up with shaky legs, preparing jump... 

Suddenly, he heard a scream coming from the block behind him, he turned around surprised, what he saw shocked him, 3 people were chasing a middle-age woman down the corridor of the block. The woman frantically knocked at the doors of people's houses, screaming for help. Meanwhile the 3 people were gaining on her, they seem to be injured as one of them had blood pouring out of his left shoulder. The woman was nearly reaching the end of the corridor and she was beginning to panic, she screamed louder then ever as the 3 people ran up to her and tackled her down... then she disappeared from Wilson's view 

"WHAT THE HELL?" Wilson frantically thought to himself, trying to make sense of the situation, "IS SHE DEAD? WHAT JUST HAPPENED? THE POLICE, I NEED TO CALL THE POLICE!" Wilson hastily searched his pockets for his mobile phone before remembering he had left it at his foster parents' house, not wanting anyone to contact him and find out where he was. Not that he thought anyone would actually do that but he did not want to take any chances. 

"SHIT!" Wilson muttered under his breath, he sprinted for the ladder at the roof, hastily climbing down the ladder and running towards the stairs remembering there was a pay-phone at the ground floor of the block. He ran down the stairs two at a time, reaching the bottom of the block in record time sprinting towards the pay-phone. He hastily dialed "9-1-1" 

He heard the phone ring twice before a mechanic voice answered  "The police lines are all busy at the moment, please call back later" 

Wilson slammed the phone angrily on the receiver feeling hopeless, before he heard footsteps, he turned around seeing a old man standing in front of him, staring at him with bloodshot eyes. 

"THANK GOD! I NEED HELP, I'VE JUST WITNESSED A MURDE-" before Wilson could complete the sentence the old man lunged at him, attempting to grab him, Wilson dodged to the left and slowly backed away from the old man. 

"WHAT THE FLYING FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Wilson yelled, he noticed a dribble of blood around the old man's chin, suddenly he noticed 2 more figures running towards him. It took him only a millisecond to realize that something was horribly wrong. 

He turned away from the old man and quickly sprinted away just as the old man lunged at him again. 

Wilson knew he had to get out of there fast.... 

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