Chapter 4

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May 21st, 0730 hours, 2015

It had been 30 minutes since Wilson set off in the opposite direction from the gunfire, he had stayed low and close to the alleyways, gripping the wooden stick tightly, bracing himself for the time when he would have to come face to face with another one of those hideous zombies. However, there was no zombie in sight, Wilson must have covered at least a mile in the last 30 minutes and he hadn't bumped into any zombies. Wilson himself, grew more confident with each passing minute, now, he was openly strolling the streets, wooden pole at his side, but still, his eyes were darting left and right and his ears were pricked. 

Suddenly he heard a scream coming from the alleyway to his left, he jumped sideways pointing the wooden pole at the alley, as if he was holding a rifle and could shoot whoever ran out at him. After awhile, when no one appeared,He slowly inched his way into the alley, hands clutching on to the wooden pole so tightly that his knuckles turned white, hugging the wall he slowly peeked around the corner. 

Two men were attacking a woman, however, the men were not zombies, their movements were too nimble, their skin color was a healthy pink, they were tearing off the women's clothes and one of them was putting his hand to the women's mouth whispering, "SSshhhh, you'll draw them over if you scream too much you know." The woman desperately struggled, but it seemed clear that she was on the losing end. Wilson gripped the wooden pole even tighter still, he was overcame with the urge to run out and beat the living daylights out of the men, however he knew, that even if he had the element of surprise, the chances of him winning a fight were still slim to none. Wilson knew that trying to help people would only get him into trouble when he was unable to protect even himself. If he tried to help the woman he would probably get pounded into the floor and left for dead, he might be lucky of he escaped the beating with no broken limbs and in the end, the woman would still suffer the same fate. 

Wilson loosened his grip on the wooden pole, turned around and walked out of the alley, his head held low. 

"I can't even help myself, i'm sorry." he muttered to no one in particular, a tear fell down his cheek.

Suddenly, he heard the pitter patter of feet. He tightened his grip on the wooden pole yet again and snapped around swinging the pole. He was a millisecond too late as a zombie smashed straight into him, tackling him to the ground. The air was knocked out of WIlson as he hit the ground, the zombie, a man looking about his 40's complete with balding hair, snarled at Wilson as he tried to bite his neck, Wilson grunted, the pole and his hands the only things stopping the zombie from closing the 2 inches to his neck. Wilson realized with horror, that the zombie was inching closer and closer to his face, Wilson's underdeveloped muscles could not push the zombie back. Then he realized, he had been in that situation many times before. He relaxed his arms allowing the zombie to close the final inch to his face. At the same time he flipped to his left, using the force generated from the zombie and the small window of weightlessness to push the zombie off. Wilson had done this maneuver many times to get away from bullies who pinned him down, he probably mastered it after doing it so many times.

The pole smashed into the zombie's face when Wilson turned, sending the zombie flying 3 feet away. Wilson got up, adrenaline course through his body, his fight or flight responses kicked into overdrive,Wilson ran, up to the zombie, kicking him in the face all the pent up anger fueling his muscles. Wilson felt his shoe connect with the zombie's jaw, followed by a satisfying *CRACK* sound. WIlson stood two hands gripping the pole, waiting for the zombie to get up so that he could smash its brains in. After much difficulty, the zombie got up, lower jaw bent at an awkward angle, like a door snapped off it's hinges. 

"RAARRGGHH", Wilson yelled as he swung the pole with all his might, he felt the pole connect with the zombie's face... And break into half. The zombie was once again sent flying another 3 feet away, Wilson stared at the pole with disbelief, his only weapon had broken, and the zombie was getting up yet again.

To make matters worse, Wilson heard more moaning, he turned around to see 3 more zombies running up to him . 

"SHIT, MY SHOUTS MUST HAVE ALERTED THEM." Wilson began to panic, in front of him was a zombie that was getting up and behind him were 3 more zombies closing the distance between him and themselves fast. Wilson knew that there was no escape from this situation, with a final cry he rammed the broken end of the pole which he was holding on to, straight through the zombie in front of him.

When the pole had broken, the ends had became splintered and now it became almost like a spear, the zombie finally went limp, and toppled. Wilson closed his eyes, the fight had worn him out and he knew he would not be able to outrun the 3 zombies. 

"This is it." he thought, preparing to feel the teeth of the zombies crunch down on his flesh any at any moment.

Suddenly he heard the sound of 3 bodies landing hard on the ground beside him, he opened his eyes, turning around in surprise. Three people were standing over the zombies, one stomped hard on a zombie's head and it caved in like a watermelon being crushed. Another walked up behind a zombie placed his hands around its neck and broke it. The last chopped merely chopped at a zombie's neck and the zombie toppled, its neck hung at an awkward angle, broken. 

Wilson stared long at hard at his saviors, the first was a man around his twenties, wearing slacks and a T-shirt, with long jet black hair reaching to his collar the second one was a teenage girl around his age, wearing a sweater with a singlet inside, with long wavy blonde hair, emerald green eyes and an attractive face. Finally there was an old man around his 60's standing in between them, he was casually dressed in a singlet and bermudas, as if he was getting ready for a day at the beach. 

The old man chuckled, "those were some nice moves young man, shouting wasn't the best idea though, you'll attract more of them, although i think you know that now." 

"Who are you?" Wilson asked. 

The old man smiled at him and said, "Oh just an old man that knows a little martial arts, wanna join my dojo?" 

That's it for today folks, hope you guys enjoyed it, took me about an hour to write this, probably will continue with hendrick's story tomorrow, also, if you find the story is getting too cheesy, please tell me so i can lead it back on track asap, thanks for all your feedback :) 

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