Chapter 2

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May 21st, 0125 hours, 2015

Wilson did not know how long or far he ran, all he knew was, he had to get away from the nightmares that were chasing him. He could run surprisingly long and far for a teenager his build, of course he had the bullies to thank for that. Escaping from bullies and finding a suitable hiding place was part of Wilson's everyday life. After sometime, Wilson felt his lungs burning, his feet were also aching, he realized he no longer heard growls coming from behind him. He chanced a glance backward, noticing that no one was chasing him any longer he finally stopped. 

As he bent over, wheezing and trying to catch his breath, for the first time, he realized, the night was filled with faint screams and shouts. He heard a window breaking in the distance, followed by a scream and that was drowned out by moans and growls. Suddenly, he noticed a lone figure running towards him. Was it a human? Or was it one of those things? Wilson didn't chance it, he sprinted into the nearby alley and jumped into the dumpster closing the lid, he lay there shivering, thinking of a plan to escape once things had died down. 

May 21st, 0225 hours, 2015

Sergeant Hendrick Wong was still wondering how he had gotten himself into this situation.  He had joined the army 6 months back because he wanted to serve and protect the country, and now he had found himself in the back of an army truck driving off to curb some sort of "civilian riot", his orders were to neutralize any hostile civilians and to use force if need be. For Hendrick, "force" was the SAR21(Singapore Assault Rifle) that sat in his lap, it was capable of solving 650 problems a minute and of course, force meant that he had the orders to shoot and kill any hostile civilians. Hendrick felt uneasy about the whole situation, if it was just a normal riot, only the riot police would suffice, however, here he was sitting in a truck full of soldiers with 2 more trucks following closely behind going to the centre of town like as if it was a warzone. Moreover, he was given actual live rounds and was given actual grenades for his grenade launcher attachment on his SAR21 and not tear gas grenades. Whatever the situation was like in the middle of town, Hendrick was sure that it was definitely not pleasant and he was definitely not going to like it.... 

to be continued :) 

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