[II] That awkward moment when...

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"What do you mean my card was declined?!" I ask as the hotel receptionist returns my card. 

"I'm sorry Miss, perhaps you can try another one?" She says politely, even though I've already tried all twenty credit cards Illumi had given me. 

He cut me off too?! I'm beyond furious now. Breaking up with me for a male? Whatever. Wasting seven years of my life? No biggie. Taking away my shopping sprees? Oh man, he was going to get it. 

Wait, that sounded bratty didn't it?

I'm actually far more concerned about where I'm going to sleep tonight, and where my next meal is coming from, but I think that shopping sprees has a better ring to it. No? Oh well. I purse my lips together and stare straight ahead, my eyes refusing to blink - If I did, tears might spill out and I can't have that. 

"Never mind, thank you." I mumble out, and leave through the side doors. 

How humiliating!  It's half past ten, and incredibly dark out already. Fall begun a few weeks ago, and I shiver as a gust of wind blows by, taunting my lack of skill for planning ahead. In my haste and anger, I hadn't packed much, and I was certainly not ready for the weather in Yorknew. I'm lucky to have gotten here at all.

I look around, and realize that I was in a sketchy looking part of town. I've never been here before, and I felt queasy stepping into the darkening street, but I have no choice. I have no family, no money, no friends - since Illumi killed them all. 

I swallow back a sob as I reach an intersection, and that's when I decide that enough was enough. If I am to become a beggar, I would do so in the safe part of town. I turn around, and almost chock. In front of me was a man with silky black hair, almost identical to Illumi's save the length. 

He smiles, and I fight the urge to slap him. I'm not sure why, but something about him tells me that I should run, run and never look back. Usually when I get this feeling I slap the offending creature. Usually it works, somehow, this time, I had a feeling it wouldn't.

"Sorry." He apologizes, and steps out of my way. I stare at this peculiar man as he continues down the street, heading into the shadows as if he's lived in them his entire life. 

"W-wait!" I call out, desperate for information. "Sorry, but could you tell me where the nearest park is?"

He lifts an eyebrow with curiosity, but I refuse to answer his inquires, even as his stare sends a flare of heat upon my ears. Finally, he relents, and points east. 

"Go until you see a lamp post that burns blue. Turn right."

And then he's gone, like a ghost. 

"W-wait!" I call out futility, "I don't even know your name!"

Silence answers me, and as it's clear that the man was not coming back to answer my question, I set off on the path he pointed out. It took another hour of walking, and by the time I arrive, I had sworn off heels of all kinds. 

I sit down on one of the park benches, and fall asleep immediately. 


I wake the next morning to an odd sight. There's a man with fuchsia hair leaning against the trunk of a tree, and pigeons surround him in an almost cult-like fashion. But, the strangest part is that I'm absolutely positive that he's staring right at me. 

I narrow my eyes, and sure enough, he gives me a smirk. Then, pushing off with only his heels and keeping his arms crossed, he walks away. It's strange, but I swear it was almost as if he had been watching me sleep this entire time.

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