[IV] So you want to be a spider?

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Chrollo blinks at me, and turns to Hisoka with a wry smile on his face.

"Did she just...?"

"I think she did." 

"Miss Nana, are you aware of what you just said?" Chrollo gives me a faint smile - as if amused. 

"Yes, well. It's a long story, but I need to join the spiders."

An eyebrow raises - "And you know that in order to be apart of the spiders... you have to kill one of us? Are you sure you're able to do that?"

My face heats up, and I take a single step backwards - answering his question. Hisoka smirks.

"I think we should let her in boss - might be fun."

Chrollo glances at me, and gives me an once-over. "Hmm, indeed. Fun."

"I'm right here you know." I snap my fingers impatiently. "Anyways, why did you drag me all the way out here for?"

"You're intriguing." Chrollo answers, and crosses his arms. He looks at Hisoka and the two share a mental conversation. After a while, he nods. "Yes, yes. That might just work."

"Nana, you can't join the Phantom Troupe." Chrollo pronounces. 

As I start to protest, he raises a hand to silence me. "However, if you wish to be associated with us, you may become my maid."

I blink, not sure that I'm hearing correctly. "Excuse me, your what?"

"Maid." Hisoka says, and draws out a piece of parchment. Words were scratched on with what seems to be a blood-like substance. 

"You will be my maid, and in return I will train you, and give you some assignments. Is that OK?"

It's an agreeable situation, but seriously - "Why the hell do you need me as a maid?!"

Chrollo thinks about this for a while. "Not sure. Felt like it."

Hisoka offers me a pen. "Sign here please~"

"OK; This is way too sketchy. How do I know you're not just conning me into something? How do I even know that you guys are the real spiders?"

Chrollo sighs, and nods to Hisoka, who beings taking off his shirt with a fluid grace and elegance that I can't help but stare intensely as his skin slowly reveals itself. It's a sight to behold, but the main spectacle is the giant spider tattooed onto Hisoka's back.

"Oh." I manage out.

Hisoka smirks at me, still shirtless; for reasons unknown, I could not sense of lust radiating off Hisoka, instead I feel a cold chill that screams bloody murder. It must be because I had been around Illumi for way too long. The chill does not bother me - if anything, it makes me all the more drawn to Hisoka. 

"That's enough now Hisoka. You can put your shirt back on." Chrollo coughs impatiently. Hisoka slyly grins, but slips his shirt back on. 

"Well? What do you say? Do we have a deal?"

"Sure. Why the heck not." I throw my arms up, and reach for the pen. I sign the document, which Chrollo takes and slips into his jacket. 

"So, what now?" I ask.

"From this instant on, you will call me Master." Chrollo says with a smile. My eyes narrow, but I sigh. 

"Yes, Master."

"Me too~" Hisoka grins behind me. I turn around and roll my eyes; then I slap him - or at least, I tried to. Once more, he stops me before I can make contact with his face. I glare, and yet he still smiles that creepy-ass closed eye smile. 

"Enough, Hisoka. I will allow no harm to come to Nana. At least, not from other people." 

I whip my head around. "Wait, what?"

Chrollo smiles. "What, Master." He corrects me, then lifts me up like a sack of potatoes. He walks out, back into the dark corridor when a woman approaches him and whispers something to him. He puts me back on my feet, and instructs Hisoka to take me "home".

"Where might you be going - Jerk - Master?"

"I have duties to attend to. I expect the place to be sparkling when I return." Chrollo calls out before vanishing again into the night air.

"Shall I carry you like the boss did as well?" Hisoka asks with his teeth flashing. I decline, and follow him from a distance as he walks out.

An hour passes while we walk in silence, and we arrive upon a large marble building. 

"Alright, this is your stop." Hisoka says, and gestures not to the building, but rather the high-rise deluxe hotel besides it. He sees my confusion and smirks. "The boss would never settle somewhere so obvious. What are you, stupid?"

I contemplate slapping him again, but deciding it's simply useless and a waste of time, I accept the room cards that he hands me. One says 709 and the other 609.

"I'm in room 609 - If you need anything, come find me." Hisoka winks, and almost entered the elevator if I didn't call out to stop him.

He looks back, a sly grin on his face. "Yes?"

Ugh! Something about his gaze bothers me - the intensity of it... it's so smoldering I look away, afraid I'd get burnt. "Show me some ropes." I say, as I step into the elevator and press 6. 

"Ah, eager to learn, are we now." Hisoka grins as he steps besides me. He leans in, and sniffs my hair. One more slap held back. "You smell of garbage. Wash up first."

The elevator dings, and we exit into a bright corridor. Hisoka taps the card, and a clicking sound occurs as Hisoka gestures for me to enter first. I do so, and quickly slip into the bathroom.

As the shower's running, I hear a knock on the door. Moments later, the door opens and through the glass walls of the washroom I can vaguely make out a man conversing with Hisoka. Was it Chrollo?

My curiosity gets the better of me, and I lean close to the door to hear what they're discussing.

"So, I heard you broke it off with your fiancee." Hisoka asks. Wait, Chrollo was engaged?

"Yeah." His voice replies, and my blood runs cold. WTF was Illumi doing here? I shake my head - of course Hisoka and Illumi would be together in a hotel room. 

"Why?" Hisoka asks. As if you don't know, bitch!  I steam silently as Illumi mumbles out.

"You know why." I'm about to flip out at the couple and give them a piece of my mind when Illumi's next sentence stops me cold in my tracks. "She was my next target - I had to protect her."

I feel a slight tingle at the bottom of my foot, and I turn to see that the water is spilling out of the tub, and towards the door. Of course, this means that from the angle that I was leaning on the door, a series of events will occur- and they did. My feet slip, my hand turns the door knob, and I come crashing out - right in front of Illumi and Hisoka - wearing nothing but the towel wrapped around me; that chose this particular moment to fall off.

I stare at the rug in utter silence, terrified to raise my head.

"Oh, who's this?" Illumi asks, and walks towards me.



You better shape up!


.-. So this took awhile.

Uhm. I'm really busy >.< sowiiie.

There's a HxH Wattys Award happening, and I have entered this book! (Along with |Inky| and |Who is She|) 

Voting period starts in another week or so - I'll post when it does - and I'd appreciate it so so much if you guys could pop by and give me a vote.

Uhm. Yeah. Bye!

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