[III]That stalker who...

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A large and burly man steps into the corridor after hearing Mrs.Whale,and the floor creaks and protests as he walks towards us.

"Sister!" He booms in a loud voice. "What have we here?"

"Another lost lamb for the cause." Mrs.Whale smirks, her accent from previously completely disappearing.

"Excuse me? What the hell is going on?" I narrow my eyes as the man steps closer, and I can see a large chainsaw in his hands. Wow, seriously?! I thought Mrs.Whale was a nice person!

"Yes, Yes. I'm sure Satan will like her." The large man smiles, and his mustache rises up. A dreadful feeling settles over me, but I haven't lived with an assassin for seven years for nothing. I'm not fearful right now, not really. I'm more annoyed than anything - Why can't anyone I meet actually like me and not want to destroy me somehow?

"Who's Satan?" I ask in annoyance. If they're going to kill me, they can just get it over with. I don't have time to stand around chattering.

"Oh, my tattoo gun! His name is Satan. Sorry, that must have sounded bad. My name is Chad. Chad Whale." 

"You... Named your tattoo gun Satan?" I ask, and groan. "And here I thought you were a normal family business. So do you guys worship the devil or not?"

"Of course not silly girl." Mrs.Whale exclaims, setting aside her frock and cloak. She lifts up her shirt to show me a fierce inking of a dragon on her back. "These aren't just for decorations, they are a symbol of power. And they are a source as well."

"What does that mean?" I ask, just as another person walks in and gives Mrs.Whale a hug. 

Mr.Whale sees me and grins. "See? Didn't I tell you? Just like her mother!" 

"My... Mother?" I blink, then laugh. "How could you possibly know my mother?"

"We were... The best of pen-pals..." Mrs.Whale admits shyly, picking up a box and showing me the contents. "She wrote about you often, and had sent loads of pictures over, because there certainly weren't any pedophiles back in her day."

She pauses, and rearranges her hair - which is neatly coiled in a bun. "We heard about your parents death a while ago, and tried to find you when you turned 18, but something was shielding you."

I scoff. Mrs.Whale looks sharply at me, then continues. 

"I promised your mother I'd do her one favor - one. So, do you want this tattoo or what?"

I nod, and the Whale family leads me deeper into the tattoo parlor, where there's a gun with a satanic skull drawn on with red glitter glue. Speechless, I flip through magazines while Chad starts working on a design. I wasn't allowed to pick the pattern, because apparently "You don't pick the Ink, the Ink picks you"

An hour passes silently, and then Chad's wiping my arm down with an disinfectant. 

"All done." He says, and gives me a toothy smile. 

I thank him, and prepare to head out. It was then that Mrs.Whale charges into the hallway, and knocks me back. 

"You! What are you doing here!?" She screeches at someone at the door. I can't get a closer look, and so I can only listen as the stranger exchanges words with the Whales.

"The boss wants to speak with her." A husky male voice says, and I feel the Whales bristle in fear and anger.

"What does the Phantom Troupe possibly want with her? She hasn't done anything wrong. Leave Nana alone!" Mrs.Whale shouts out, and brandishes the broom she picked up earlier like a sword. 

"Your name's Nana?" The voice asks, the question clearly directed towards me.

I push through the Whales, and immediately regret it. Standing in front of me was the man from the park, who had followed me as I went into Mrs.Whales shop, and now apparently stalked me all the way to Chad Whale's Tattoo parlor.

"The Phantom Troupe?" I ask, meeting his gaze with rage burning in my eyes. I had only heard Illumi mention them a few times, but they were in the same line of work as the Zoldycks, and like this I can definitely get revenge on him. I'll  join this "Troupe", and steal all his jobs, take his money, make him poor, make him suffer. Then I'll laugh at him as he comes crawling back on his knees. 

Heh. I smirk, and tilt my chin up at the man wearing a jester's outfit. "Take me to your leader."


We walked in silence for awhile, but then I realize that I still don't know the name of this strange stalker, and that may be a problem.

"Hisoka." He says before I can open my mouth. I stagger, and he smirks. 

"You were going to ask what my name was, weren't you?" 

"It's only right. I mean, you know my name, I should know yours." I respond, and silence falls once more. 

"Hisoka, do you know anyone named Illumi?" I ask suddenly, curious if the troupe has had interactions with the Zoldycks before. 

"Hmm? I suppose. In a way, you could say we're friends. Really close friends." He says in a tone that tells me that he did not like to talk about himself. I narrow my eyes at him. Close friends my ass. You're the stupid shit he left me for, aren't you?! 

"Why do you ask?" Hisoka says, and gives me a smile that was so creepy I stop walking for a second to slap him. 

He tries to block and deflect my arm, but for some reason, my hit lands on his arm and stays for a second before he was able to throw me off. The surprise in his eyes is mirrored in mine; I'm fit, sure, but I have never actually trained for fighting. I had an assassin fiancee. Had.

My eyes narrow again, but thankfully a few meters down Hisoka tells me that we have arrived.

He leads me down a narrow and dark corridor, with out even a single torch to guide us, he somehow manages to find his way through. The walls are moldy, and the air is damp, but Hisoka isn't affected. If anything, he simply grins as he leads me into an even darker room. 

As we step inside, lights flare on, and the man from last night reappears. 

"Chrollo Lucifer, at your service M'lady."

God dammit. I curse as he gives a brief bow. I knew the Whales were acquainted with the devil.

"Nana. And I'll be joining the Phantom Troupe, thank you very much."



... Turns out to be Hisoka. 


So, I may be updating regularly, because there's this HxH Wattys thing. 

I'm entering all three of my HxH Stories, and I'll tell you guys how to vote when the time comes.

Please vote for me ^o^

Well, you obviously don't have to, but it'd be nice.

However I'm not sure if the category I entered this story for is going to be opened or not, so I'll stick to one chapter a week so I don't die. 

Yeah, okay bye ^o^

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