[V] - I mean, who needs sleep?

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Still lying on the ground, I became rigid as I froze with fear and embarrassment. My mind races for something to say - anything to get me out of this awful situation.

I so did not need to see Illumi right now. I mean, I don't really know what will happen once he recognizes me, but I sure as hell don't want to find out. What was that all about anyways? Saying that I was his target or some shit? 

If that little bitch said what I think he said.... I shudder mentally, not wanting to deal with that possibility. 

"Delivery~" A voice calls out from outside the door. I let out a breath as Illumi moves to open the door. I quickly pick up the towel and crawl into the blankets on the hotel bed; making myself a human burrito and hiding my face as well as I could.

"Chrollo, what are you doing here?" I hear Illumi ask as the leader of the Phantom Troupe walks in. Hmm, so they know each other. Good, good, now I can ask Chrollo all about the many weaknesses that Illumi is sure to have. Then, I can go on jobs that will ruin the Zoldyck family; I grin - taking down Illumi will be a piece of cake once-

A hand reaches over my body and picks me up, blanket burrito and all.

"Just picking up my maid." Chrollo says nonchalantly and carries me away. The swaying of his steps, plus the fact that I had been stuck there for such a long time forces me to stick my head out and pant for breathe. As my eyes meet Illumi's, I see them widen first with shock - then recognition - and finally, regret?

Hmph. I knew that ho would regret leaving me. I turn my nose up in the air - which was kind of hard to do considering I had no control over the rest of my body.

A stifling silence settles over the room as I leave the room; as the door shuts, Illumi calls out my name.  A little too late, Chrollo looks over at me skeptically.

 "You know him?"

I grunt as he sets me down. Fully clothed, I struggle out of my burrito wrappings and shake my head. 

"It's a long story."

He looks curious as he presses for the elevator; it dings, and he steps inside with a wink.

"We've got all night."

I ignore him and the elevators close behind me with another ding. They open moments later, and we walk towards room 709. Chrollo - with a knowing smirk on his face - opens the door, revealing a deluxe suite with two bedrooms, a kitchenette, and a joined bathroom.

"Well? What do you think?" He asks, sweeping his arms around the suite. "Impressive, right?"

He grins at me as he steps into the room, tossing his jacket onto the sofa nearby. I shrug; this really was nothing compared to the Zoldyck mansion.

"I've seen better." I mutter. Chrollo looks disappointed, but soon is smiling again as he says.

"I've seen better, master." I snicker, and roll my eyes. 

Chrollo walks into one of the bedrooms and returns moments later with a change of clothes. He throws them at me and I catch them as they were about to crash land on my face.

I hold the one piece dress in front of me, and it tumbles open. It's a black and white dress, with frills and ruffles enough to make me shiver. 

"You're fucking kidding me, right?" I raise an eyebrow. 

"It's a maid outfit." I comment, narrowing my eyes.

Chrollo nods happily.

"Yep, and tomorrow you'll get to meet the rest of the Phantom Troupe in that outfit."

Wait... did he just say...?

"Wouldn't you like that?" Chrollo asks, a sly grin on his face.

I grit my teeth in anger. This man! Why does he know exactly how to press my buttons? He's been manipulating me since the moment he's met me, hasn't he? I bet anything that the time we met in the alley, he had planned that too! I growl, but try my best for a smile; it turns out more like a grimace.

"Yes..." I mumble out.  Chrollo looks at me expectantly. 

I sigh. "Yes, Master."

"Good~" He grins, heading into the other room. "Then, I'll see you in the morning with your first task, Nana."






it's been a while

& this is short.

but hey


it's 1 am

I did this for you Dez.


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