[VII] If you want something done...

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The sun hurts. 

I raise my hand to block the shiny bastard when Chrollo snaps his fingers at me. 


I fumble in the oversized backpack that shitty master made me bring. Who the heck carries 4 tonnes of hair gel?! I scrape some of the icky substance that seeped out from their container and then I hand him the umbrella.

He looks at me, waiting.


He nods at the umbrella, unamused.

The fuck. You can't even hold an umbrella? "Your hands too dainty or something, Master?"

Chrollo smiles at me. "Yep."

I scowl. That wasn't the response I wanted to hear. It's no fun to mock people when they just take it. I scoff, my breath huffs out in an angry puff and I shove my finger onto the button. With a -pop- the umbrella unfurls; spikes, deadly and poisonous race through the air and land within the trees of the nearby park. 

Before my eyes, they wither and dry up. The bark turning from a chocolate brown to a dark, desolate gray and finally a charred black stick that with the slightest of breezes falters and is swept away.

"Nana, the other one. The one marked non-poisonous."

"....oops." Should I tell him that I can't read? I mean, the entire time that I had been sending letters to Illumi, it had been the headmistress who helped me write my letters. I didn't bother to learn because, well, I didn't. 

I hold up the other umbrella and walk besides Chrollo. 

We walk around the park, it's empty -- probably due to the poisonous spikes I just flung out. 

"Chroll- Master."

He peers at me, almost a glower but that wouldn't make sense. Why is he upset at me? Had I done something wrong? I ain't apologizing.

"What does it mean to die?"

He freezes. Turns. Cocks his head. 

"Would you like to find out?"

I nod. 

"It's just. You, Hisoka, and Illumi, you've all killed before. But, I still don't understand. When I left the orphanage, Illumi killed all my friends. I thought back then that he just sent them into a deep sleep. That the red substance was just a special drool when you enter that sleep. I'm getting the feeling that I was lied to."

Chrollo's eyes, which until now have shown no expression, suddenly widen a fraction. 

"Ha... So I see."

He leans in towards me and takes the umbrella from my hand. Chrollo folds it into itself and presses a mechanism that must've been hidden because I didn't see it previously. A spike emerges from the umbrella. 

What's he trying to do? I narrow my eyes. 

Chrollo impales me. 

The world goes black. 

Did that bitch just kill me?


".... are you sure? Chrollo could've just missed a vital spot." Illumi says as he stares at the slumbering Nana, who is currently in a drug-induced coma.

"I never miss." Chrollo replies, brisk.

"Then, if she is that, we should kill her." Pakunoda chimes, her voice echoes against the silence in the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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