[VI] When in rome...

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I feel sick to my stomach this morning. I mean, wouldn't you? Meeting a group of devious evil-doers, in a maid outfit? I groan loudly, knowing, just knowing that they would make fun of me non-stop.

Why is it that I'm always stuck with the crazy ones? First there was Illumi, a seemingly heartless assassin. Chrollo is literally a manipulative smiley demon, and Hisoka... I don't know much about him yet, and although he literally did stalk me for an entire day, I feel like that he's the most normal out of the three of them.

Obviously, compared to Illumi, Hisoka's body is much...

I slam my head into the wall and made a dying whale noise. This is not the time to be thinking of things like that!

Quickly changing into the maid outfit, I make my way out the door. Chrollo stands there, waiting with a smirky smirk on his face.

"Good morning~" He chimes, his hair gelled up in that strange way of his.

"Good morning..." I mumble. I look up, and he has an expectant look on his face. My jaw drops, does he serious expect me to...

"Good morning, master." I sigh, then push my way past him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Chrollo chuckles. I turn around, looking exasperated.

"Do I seriously have to wear this thing?"

Chrollo nods, serious.

"Let's go then, Nana. The elevators are this way~"

He leds me down the hallway, and I am trying my very best to not smack him in the face.

I keep reminding myself that although Chrollo and Hisoka are both super annoying and cocky bastards, if I try to harm them, they would probably be able to kill me in less than a second. Plus, I really need the Troupe to help carry out my plans for revenge...

Speaking of the troupe...

We arrive in the lobby, where the sight of a fully spread out buffet greets me. The seductive aroma from the breakfast makes me salivate, and I gave Chrollo a hopeful look.

"Ah yes, you must be hungry. Get me a cup of coffee, will you?"

I frown, but go off looking for a coffee machine. There's one a little to the right, but as I head over, I step on something and go flying. Flying straight towards the pipping hot coffee machine.

"Bungee Gum~"

I feel something sticky on my back - although I can't see it - and then a force was pulling me back. I land in Hisoka's arms and look up at him - hitting my forehead square on his jaw.

"Ow!" I scream, curing his jawline for being so chiseled.

"I think you meant to say thank you~?" Hisoka grins, helping me stand back up right.

"Oh... I - Thank you..." I mutter, still very much offended by his chin.

"Heh." Hisoka snickers, giving me a once-over. "Nice outfit, Nana."

Any feelings of amnesty I had towards this man was gone, replaced immediately by a howling anger. But before I could sweep my hand across and slap him silly, he ducks away and Chrollo shows up.

"Didn't I ask for coffee? What's taking you so long?"

I sigh, and turn around to fetch my evil-overlord some caffeine.

"Tsk. You can't even do your first task properly..." Chrollo says as I finally hand a cup of coffee to him.

I frown. Getting coffee... was that something a Phantom Troupe member does? Confusion is apparent over my face, and Chrollo smirks.

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