We showed everyone, on the beach, our routine. They all loved it because they clapped and cheered. They put money into the hat like we wanted. I wonder if we've raised enough money to get the metal detector. I really hope we have. After everyone had gone back to normal daily basis, Michelle and I counted the money. I couldn't believe it! We raised over $100. I couldn't wait to tell everyone. I was ecstatic. Michelle told everyone one else the total that we raised. I don't remember exactly how much we raised, however I do know it was over $100.
We raced over to the man with the metal detector and showed him the money. He kept his promise so he gave it to us. The metal detector did mange to find my necklace eventually but before we found it we found a lot of things before my necklace. We found glasses, bottle top and it detected a boy's head. Strange!!
When we found my necklace I couldn't believe it. I was lost for words. Now we've found my necklace Emily doesn't have to kill me but we have to keep this quiet.
Back at the studio, we were talking about our day until the E Girls came in. West said to Emily that she was wearing a nice necklace. I started getting really nervous but luckily Emily didn't suspect a thing.