Robbert's story part 2

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Robbert is 27 in this part.


Robbert could never forget that day.

Except when he had a coma of course.

Robbert has gained some weight. Scratch that. ALOT of weight. The last time we mentioned his senerio he was only at 104 lbs. Now he's at 258. Sad yes, but all this time he has been reserching on his demon buddies from before. His room is full of books on demonic stuff and Satan.

He was fully convinced he saw the living he|l monsters. What kind if monsters are effected but sirens? He thought and sighed. "How pathithic."

He stood in his room quitely for a moment. He looked outside the barwindows. He moved twice after the inncident. There was a bunch of smiling and laughing kids in a nearby park.

Robbert was somewhat agrevated by the fun. Or what he calls torture. He stopped having fun and hanging out with people. He thought anyone can be a demon. He believed he was most safiest in the church. He goes there everyday in fact. He snuck by his parents eating dinner and got in his cheap car. He was going there to pray and get another bottle of holy water. He also wanted to see one of the nuns. She was a dirty blonde but you couldn't tell.

She was always there for Robbert. Well, that's what a nun does right? Robert jammed the key in the engine and pulled the lever to the drive setting. When he got there he walked in. There was a beatiful sound coming from inside. The sound of angels. He walked inside with a final pant and was greeted by the head nun. She had a wrinkly face with bags under her eyes. She smiled and said "wait her whilst I get Maria Peter."

Maria Peter came in and hugged Robbert. She gave him a jar of holy water and they took a stroll around the Abby. Maria Peter said "Robbert, why not come and live in the convient with us?" Robbert was amazed at her offer but declined. "My parents wouldn't let me." He said sadly. She said "You are right, our walls aren't used to hide from the world." When they got back Maria Peter had to go. Robbert was all by himself.

They had their dinner or something because the angelic voices stopped. The Organ stopped. Everything was silent. Robbert dipped his hands in the holy water. He thoight he saw blonde hair. Did Maria Peter come back? No. He washed his face with holy water.

He felt someone behind him. A presence of which is quite dark. In a word, unplesant. And the Abby was now filled with a pungent smell. The same smell on that same night he met demons. He laughed. "Demons can't stand church." He heard a vixen laugh.

"Ahh-hahahaha!" A swift creature appered on the stand of which the preist speaks. He looked up and saw her.

Marcy the demon. She licked her lips. Her tounge was V-shaped and her teeth were razor sharp. Robbert gasped. He dunked his entire head in the holy water. He cried out "No! Your not here right now! Please! Your not here!" He looked up. The vixen stood there frowning. She said in a fox-like voice "Let's dump this place and go get high!" Remembering his Satan books Robbert cast a demon sacrifice. Marcy slapped him before he could complete it.

She then wrapped herself around Robbert. "I've gotten more powerful, Robbert. Don't try and tick me off." She said it in an unpatient voice. She picked at her nails. "I know some of the most powerful demons and they'd be happy to clean some scum. Robbert doused holy water all over Marcy. She hissed at him. One of the nuns said "Hey! What are you trying to do?!" Robbert went bislistic. "Did you not see her? That devil in disguise! That vixen in skin!" The nun ran over to calm him down. She told him "the answer is in God." She ran away trying her best not to look horrified.

Robbert knew what to do now. He stormed out of the Abby and on his way home. Marcy was in the car. She stopped him at some playground near his house. Marcy talked and talked about random shit. Robbert knelt down and prayed with all his might. "Our Father Who Art In Heaven Hollow Be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread As We Forgive Those Trespass Against Us AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMTATION BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL!" Marcy covered her ears but didn't even flinch.

She lost her leg. She groaned. "Grr! First Holy water and now praying!? Is this so sort of Exortom!?" Robbert made a noise. "Wee-Woo Wee-Woo Wee-woo!" Marcy fell to her knees. "St-sto-p-p!" He did it with all his might. But then he stopped. He lost his voice. Marcy was about to vanish. She cried "You will pay for this! My demons and I will make your life a living hell every second of your life till the day that you die!" And you will join us in hell! Mwhahahaha!" In a split second she was gone. Robbert was left parazied. He slammed his fists on the concreate. "WHY?!"


Yes, yes I took a long time to get the chapter up. I wanted it long and I'm in Vacation so this is about as good as it gets. I was kinda stuck on ideas until I watched the movie World War Z in Orlando.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2013 ⏰

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