Truth or Dare: Chapter 14

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The worst crime is faking it.  ~Kurt Cobain

“WHAT?!”  I cried in horror and disbelief.  “I can’t believe this!”  My terrified expression drew attention from half the class.  Mr.Pophead looked up from his desk sternly, and I dropped down to a whisper.  “This isn’t happening.  This can’t be happening.”  I pulled nervously at my clothes, feeling extremely frantic at this moment.  “No, no, no, no, no…”  I kept muttering, ignoring the strange glances I was currently getting.  Call me the drama queen I am, but I honestly believe that this behavior of shock was perfectly acceptable at this moment.

“Calm down,”  Chez said soothingly, patting my back.  “It isn’t that bad.  Besides, at least you tried.”

“Not that bad?  Are you kidding?  This is worse than bad, this is,”  I scrambled around trying to think of a word, but drew a blank.  “It’s super duper bad!”

“Super duper bad?”  Chez repeated dubiously, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Yes, super duper bad!”  I ignored her tone.  “I’m going to die a long, horrible death by tomorrow from embarrassment.”  I was beside myself, waving my arms hysterically.  I felt my vision blur as the long held back tears seeped into my eyes, but I didn’t bother blinking them back.  Did I mention I was feeling extremely frantic?  “Die, I tell you, die!”

“You’re parents are not going to kill you,”  Chez replied flatly.

“When they see this, they will.”  I frantically waved a piece of paper in front of Chez’s face.  Chez grabbed the paper, wrenching it out of my grasp and started reading through it.  When she had finished, she stared back at me, her look disbelieving.  

“I don’t see what is so disappointing abo--”

“THIS!”  I jabbed my finger into the paper violently.

“You have five A’s and one B, and it’s only a progress report.  It doesn’t even count.  Stop freaking out.” 

“What about this?”  I jabbed my finger into the paper again, this time at a different spot.  It was the progress report that the school sends out monthly; the one that has to be signed by parents.  I sighed as I remembered the past four weeks.  In all honesty, it’s been a blur.  There’s been no more truth or dare games to my relief, but I’ve gotten so close to everyone, I felt like I’ve known them forever.  Also, everyone forgotten, or at least pretended to forget my embarrassing skating incident.  Except Jessica.  She constantly tried to bring it up, but to no avail.  Jessica was still as nice as ever, glaring abhorrently at me every time I even glanced in her direction and then turning her nose upright and grabbing the person next to her, stage whispering in their ear something about me.  In all honesty, she was also starting to get on my nerves, spreading gossip about me that were total lies.

During the second week, she tried to convince everyone that I was a teenage prostitute.  Jessica had went around telling everyone how I was eight months pregnant with twins, but taking one look at my stomach was proof enough to everyone that she was lying.  Due to that factor, she lost a lot of respect she use to have, though I’m surprised if she had any to start with.

Besides her, I was starting to really love Villa Park.  Don’t get me wrong, I still miss all my old friends, and Ethan was still being a total jerk one minute then the nicest guy on earth the next, but I think I could definitely start getting use to it.

“You got a satisfactory in citizenship.  It isn’t that huge of a deal.”  Chez answered exasperated, rolling her eyes. 

“Outstanding is the highest though!”  I wailed.  “A satisfactory means a B!”  The only class I had gotten both a B and a ‘Satisfactory’ inside was English, which coincidentally just so happened to be the only class I shared with Ethan.  P.E. doesn’t count since we are separated by gender.

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