Chapter 3- Something's Not Right

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I hadn't slept since I've woken up. How could I? I know that I'd just have a nightmare about Isabelle. How could they have been so stupid as to leave her out in the center of that clearing?

I don't stop cussing about the group, but the anger shifts to me. I was the one who got attached. After what happened to my.... First group, I turned myself into a robot. Everything was routine. The only reason why I was put on this earth was because I was an organism, and like every other living thing, my only purpose is to try and survive. But no matter how many times I've tried telling myself this, I still became more and more attached to Isabelle...

Now it's ruined me.

Looking up at the sun, I would probably have to say that it's past noon. As I walk further and further I can't help but become paranoid. I haven't seen a walker in about five miles now. I've only killed one so far today, which is unusual especially considering the distance I've walked. I close my eyes for a split second and try to tune into the sounds around me, but find nothing. What was going on that it was so quiet that not even the dead were stirring?

Through the thick trees I see a slight greyish color on the ground, and with realization I see that it is a road, probably a highway. I am about to approach it when I hear a low humming sound. My heart starts to beat fast and I back up. A truck slowly cruises along with men on it. The truck carried a huge trailer on the back, and I couldn't help but think that it looked like it was for capturing people.

I haven't seen anybody use a truck in a long time. It was nearly impossible to find gas now of days. I wonder where they find theirs?

My heart races at maximum speed when the truck halts up the road only about twenty yards. On instinct, I scurry up in a nearby tree that has many branches that will give me cover. Out of convenience, there is a small opening through the leaves when I reach the top that has a perfect view of the truck.

"What are they doing?" I mumble to myself.

The driver emerges and he is strictly business. He looked pissed if I do say so, but I don't blame him. A black patch covers his left eye, and judging by the wincing he does it seems fresh. Another man gets out of the truck from the passenger side. This one looks like a bit of a geek considering his big dorky glasses. This one was obviously a little puppet. I can pick out the ones who don't know how to stand up or think for themselves.

I see their mouths move as Mr. Eyepatch spits out commands, but I can't hear them. Quickly, but quietly, I move into the next tree, and then the next until I am in the tree almost directly above the truck. Finally I am in earshot.

"Phillip, I don't think this is a good idea. It's not civil," the geeky one says to Mr. Eyepatch.

Phillip puts his hands on his hips and stares at Mr. Geek with his one eye, "You need to look at this from my angle, Milton. If I don't teach those people back at the prison a lesson, they're going to come back here."

Prison? They can't be talking about the one that got over run. I passed it about four months ago. You'd need an army to clear that place out.

"Phillip they got what they wanted. They just wanted two of their group back," Milton argues, but he is silenced by one cruel look from Phillip. I didn't like Mr. Eyepatch already. There was something about him... something evil.

Two other men from the back get out. The tan one with dark hair says, "Are we going to get this over with?"

Phillip nods at them, "We need to drive up a little further. I want to back the truck up into the pit instead of dragging them. Then we'll load them in the truck. How many are in there?" he asks the tan one.

"A lot. I rounded up almost all of them in this area."

Were they talking about walkers?

They all get back in the truck and take a left into the forest. I think I am familiar with the clearing they were talking about considering it seemed to be the direction they were headed. I had passed the clearing but never went through it because I didn't want to draw attention if anything saw me. I preferred the cover the trees gave me.

The truck moves slow which helps me keep up with them as I climb into the next tree. I want to follow them further but they drive into the middle. I squint to see what they're doing. All of them emerge from the tuck and gather around in a wide rectangle formation.

What the hell were they doing? Getting ready to worship?

But I gasp when I see them dig out a huge net of walkers. They use a device to help get them in the back of the truck where they are locked tight and secure. What in the world were they planning to do with all those walkers? By the way their conversation went, it sounds like Mr. Eyepatch wants to terrorize people with them. I wouldn't doubt it. He looked like the type. I peer through my leaves as I watch them slowly retreat. I hop out and run as fast as I can after them, staying hidden among the bushes and trees.

Something just wasn't right about them, and I wanted to figure it out.

The Walking Dead: Three Knives (a fanfiction, based off of Season 3 & 4)Where stories live. Discover now