Chapter Three

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As the week went on, Jean grew to like Marco more and more. There was something about the dark-haired boy that made Jean like him the moment he met him, but their friendship only grew from there.

Marco and Jean had originally planned to go out in town, hang out, and maybe get some lunch or something. It was Friday, and their class with Professor Ackerman had been cancelled for unknown reasons. Jean joked that maybe it had something to do with a last minute appointment with his lover. Marco, on the other hand, just laughed. "I don't think that's it, Jean..." He'd said.

Unfortunately, Marco's boss called in early that morning and asked him to work as soon as he could come in. On a Friday. He usually got Fridays off. It really sucked.

So, around lunchtime with nothing else to do, Jean decided to go out to the café where Marco worked, just so he could more or less keep their plan to get lunch. He hated when plans changed. If Jean said he was going to do something, then he was going to do it no matter what.

He grabbed his coat and keys, but ultimately just decided to walk to the café. Before he left, he also decided to grab his camera bag. If he only brought his camera and no extra lenses, it really wouldn't take up very much room at all. And the weather was so beautiful around this time, he knew he'd see some great sights.

He thought it was really cool that Marco was able to get a job at that café. Not only was it so close to the university, but he also said they let him design the entire interior. Not many places would let some college student do that, even if they did work for them.

Just before Jean reached the café, he pulled his phone out from his Jean pocket, and pulled up his messages. He tapped on 'Freckles', and sent a quick message.

Hey. How's work?

He watched as his phone notified him that the message sent, then that it was delivered, and soon after that it was read. Three dots popped up, showing that Marco was typing his reply. It was weird to think of that. Marco, at this moment, was typing his reply and his phone already notified him of it. Technology had gone too far.

Ugh. Terrible. I get a break soon, though! Marco replied.

What luck, Jean thought to himself. He stuffed his phone back into his pocket and finally pushed the café door open. Marco wasn't anywhere to be seen, but it didn't matter. The smell of coffee surrounded Jean, and made him want something to drink. He walked directly to the counter, where a young woman was working. She looked to be about Jean's age, if not younger, with bright blue eyes and blonde, shoulder-length hair. Her name tag read Krista.

"Hi!" She said cheerfully. "May I help you?"

"Yeah. Is Marco here?"

Krista seemed surprised. "Yes, he is. I'll go and get him, if you'd like," she offered, pointing back to the kitchens.

"That'd be great," Jean nodded. "Thanks."

Krista escaped back to the kitchens, leaving Jean leaning against the counter. There was no one behind him in line waiting for a table or to pay, so he didn't bother moving.

Finally Krista came back from the kitchens, and Marco was behind her. His face when he saw Jean was priceless. His entire face lit up, and he was both happy and shocked.

"Wow, I-" Marco stopped for a moment, walked to the counter. "What are you doing here?"

Jean couldn't help but smile, still leaning against the counter. "Well, we planned to eat lunch, so I figured I'd just meet up with you here."

Marco's smile widened. "I don't think I can get my break right away, though... Can you wait five minutes?"

"Sure." For some reason, this now felt sort of different to Jean. Like he was picking up a date or something. Except Marco certainly wasn't his type, considering he went for beautiful girls, and Marco was just his male roommate.

Freckled Love (a JeanMarco AU)Where stories live. Discover now