Chapter Seventeen

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One weekend, a few weeks later, Jean and Marco decided to get off campus and stay somewhere else. They went to Jean's parent's house, despite Jean's protests. But Marco's house was out of the question, since he lived hours away, and it was important that they just got away from college for a bit.

They arrived late on Friday evening, just in time for dinner.

Jean's parents really chatted Marco up, and Jean would blush and complain, but Marco didn't seem to mind at all. He was always smiling, laughing, and answering every question they had to offer.

"Alright, good night, boys!" Jean's mother called as Jean and Marco climbed the stairs.

"Night!" They called back.

Marco focused back on Jean as they went to Jean's room. "I like your parents. They're really nice."

"More like annoying... I'm sorry they talked so much."

Marco just smiled like usual, looking sweet and cheerful. "I enjoyed their talking, actually."

In Jean's room, they stayed up for a while to play video games, until deciding to go to bed.

"Are you actually wanting to sleep in here, with me?" Jean asked as Marco got under the covers. "Your boyfriend might not like that."

"Eh... What he doesn't know won't kill him. It's just you, Jean."

Right. Just me.

"Well, okay." Jean settled next to Marco under the covers, and fell asleep wishing this small amount of intimacy between them meant as much to Marco as it did to him.

* * *

The next morning, Jean's parents decided to leave them alone in the house to go grocery shopping. He and Marco decided to stay at home.

"Hey," Marco said softly, "do you think your parents are gone by now?"

"Yeah," Jean said. "Why?"

"Because..." Marco reached into his bag, digging deep around clothes. "I want to get high."

"Y-you what?"

Jean could hardly believe what he was hearing. Or what he was seeing. Marco pulled out a pill bottle, and, out of that, pulled out a small bag of weed. He even had a pipe with him.

Jean had smoked before. However, he didn't see Marco as the type to do it.

Marco laughed when he saw Jean's expression. "I know... I said I didn't smoke. But this is a bit different, right? Anyway, I won't force you to if you don't want-"

"No, I'll do it," Jean said, laughing as well. "It's just... Really unexpected."

They cracked open Jean's window and smoked on his bed, soon having a wave of calmness and laughs and happiness flood over them.

Jean inhaled deeply from the pipe, slowly releasing the smoke from his lips.

"Let me," Marco smiled, reaching for the pipe and lighter. Jean happily handed them over.

Freckled Love (a JeanMarco AU)Where stories live. Discover now