"Truth or Dare!"
Shouts Charlie the redheaded girl on the ground.
Sam that just is about to unpack his bag smiles. "Why not"
"Cause it's not late yet, we have to wait until it's night" says Kevin that is putting up a tent.
"But it's much more fun to do it now!" Gabe crosses his arms.
"What are you guys? Ten?" Dean places his backpack in the tent he shares with Castiel his best friend.
"Come on Dean, don't be so silly." Deans brother trows a pillow at him.
"Just because you are 18 it doesn't mean we can't have fun!"
Cas, the other 18 year old, laughs.
"Yeah, come on Dean."<---= <---= <---=
"Okay, Sam Truth or Dare?"
Charlie smirks against him where she sits in the tent that the youngest boys share.
"Truth?" Sam drags a hand trough his hair.
Charlie sights.
"Really? Fine. What am I going to ask you? Who was your first crush?" She shrugs her shoulders in a way of saying that she couldn't come up with something better.
"Um.. Jess" Sam looks sad thinking about their old neighbour.
"We should keep going." He then suddenly says. "Kevin? Truth or Dare?"
Kevin looks a bit uncomfortable.
"I'm saying truth."
"Again!" It is Charlie.
Sam rolls his eyes against her.
"Okay Kevin, who in here would be the last person you would want to kiss?"
Kevin opens his mouth but closes it again.
"Eeeeh... I would say Dean.."
"What?" Dean shouts. "What makes me so disgusting?"
Kevin raises his arms in protection. "You are Sams brother!"
Dean just crosses his arms.
"Cas, truth or dare?"
Kevin keeps going and Cas looks up from the ground.
"I think, sorry Charlie, Truth" Charlie rolls her eyes but smiles.
Gabriel on the other side smirks and whispers something in Kevin's ear.
"Sure, why not. Cas, are you Virgin?"
Cas starts to blush all over his face.
"Really? You are 18! Is this really my big brother?" Gabe mumbles.
"I'm a virgin" Cas looks mad at Gabe. "and now Charlie. I guess you take Dare?" She nods hard.
"Kiss one of us in 10 seconds" Everyone of them knows that Charlie likes girls. That is why their parents let her be with them when they camped.
Charlie looks disgusting at all of them.
"Fine, I begged for it didn't I."
She bends forward and kisses a surprised Gabe.
When she sits down on her spot she makes an awful face.
"Don't make me kiss your brother again Cas, it was terrible"
"Hey!" Gabe shouts but gets interrupted by Charlie.
"Truth or dare Dean?"
Dean doesn't even think. "Dare I guess"
Charlie gives him an evil smirk.
"Kiss Cas with tongue."
The both boys looks at each other before slowly getting closer the other one.
"Let's do this fast" Dean mumbles before pressing his lips against Cas.
They are soft and sweet like a pie and Dean puts his tongue on Cas' lower lip to ask for permission.
Cas opens up quick and in seconds the kiss is over. But Deans lips against his can't leave Cas' mind. The both boys are blushing when they let go and everybody is staring at them.
"Now that will never be able to leave my mind" someone says.=---> =---> =--->
I think this wasn't one of my best but I couldn't come up with any good truths or dares.
I hope you have a great day My little applepies!