Day 12 ~ Making Out

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I just have one thing to say and that is interrupting moose!

Dean puts his hand behind Cas head and their lips meets in 1 second before both of them grabs the other one tight. Cas putted his finger in Deans pants and drags his hips closer.
Dean kisses the corner of Cas mouth while his hands moves from Cas neck to his chest starting to unbuttoning his shirt.
At the same time as Cas coat falls down on the floor Cas' hands sneaks in under Deans shirt and he starts to groans when Dean leaves marks on his neck.
Soon Cas sits down on the bed and he drags Dean with him in the fall. With Dean on top of him starts to take of Dean first layer of clothes.


A scared and blushing angel disappears in one second.
Dean falls down on his stomach with his face down on the pillow.

"Hey Dean"
The moose comes in trough the door he just opened and leaves a plastic bag on the table.
"I forgot your pie"

And here comes number two!

Cas stands outside The Winchesters house, he has his hand in the air not having enough courage to knock.

Then suddenly the door opens and he meets the most beautiful applegreen eyes he ever seen.
"Dean" Cas says out of his breath. Dean has his football team jacket on and he smiles against Cas.
"Come in, we have a lot of homework to do."

Dean puts his hands on Cas vest and grips the fabric. Cas is exploring Deans mouth while his hands are unbuttoning the jacket.
Dean leans forward pushing Cas down while take over the movements.
Deans jacket is now open hanging down over Cas that is dragging in the edges of it.
Both are so busy with the other one that they doesn't hear the footsteps.
But when a cough hears they jumps apart.
"So you gets a lot of studying done here I see."
Sam is standing over the couch with an eyebrow raised.
"My guess is that you are Cas"

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