Chapter 12

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Shawn's P.O.V.
I was waking up from the most peaceful nap and noticed my arms were wrapped around Geny. A huge smile appeared on my face. She has no idea how much she really means to me. I just hope that one day I'll be able to call her mine. Wow, that's was kinda cheesy.
Right as I was about to kiss her forehead, someone knocked on the door and I quickly removed my arms.

"Hey jacob." I whispered.

"Oh hey Shawn I didn't know you were here."

"Uh yeah I was napping."

He walked over to Geny and kissed her. "Wake up baby. It's 5 o'clock." he told her. "Wake up babygirl cause I wanna take you out to dinner."

"Well I'm gonna go out for a walk. See you guys later," I told them as I was putting on my shoes. I went downstairs and headed out. I had no idea where to go so I went to the park.
I sat on a bench and began to come up with lyrics for a new song:

You can't walk the streets at night
You're way too short to get on this ride
No I'm not, no I'm not
They're tryna tell me that I
I gotta be home when the streets light glow
You can't watch your TV show
I will watch what I wanna watch
No, won't listen to you
Do what I wanna do

"Yo dude that was amazing!" someone said from behind. "You new here!"

I nodded my head. "Nah I'm just visiting."

"Name's Dylan by the way. Dylan Holland." he said shaking my hand.

"Shawn Mendes. Nice to meet you!" I said. "Hey you performed at Jacob's concert a few days ago right? Great performance by the way!"

"Ayee you went? That's nice to hear bro and thanks!" he told me. "Listen I gotta go but here's my number. I leave for the European tour in a few days, for a month or two, so hit me up so we could hang out or something.

"Alright bro! I'll text you later or tomorrow."

Wait European tour?? Why didn't Geny tell me? or does she even know about it? I should probably tell her right now.

S: hey Geny I need to tell you somethin important..
G: what is it??
S: jacob is going on a European tour and he's staying over there for a month or two..
G: why didn't he tell me!?😭
S: he's leaving in a few days
     Sorry u had to find out this way
G: ..thanks for telling me shawn
S: I'm sorry /:

I felt bad for telling her, but it had to be done.

Geny's P.O.V.
I'm sad and glad that Shawn told me about the tour. I thought that Jacob and I were gonna spend time together. What I don't get was why Jacob didn't tell me that he was leaving in a few days.

"Babe you ready?" Jacob asked as he entered the room. "Wow you look stunning!"

I looked in the mirror and smiled. I actually liked the way I looked for once.

Before we went downstairs, he said, "I'm so glad we're finally gonna spend some time together!" he smiled. I couldn't help but fake a smile knowing that our time together wouldn't be as long as expected.

"I know it won't be for long though.."

"What do you mean?"

I sighed and said, "I know you're leaving for the European tour in a few days."

"Uhh who told you?" he looked surprised. "Well it was supposed to be a surprise at dinner..."

"So you wanted to surprise me by saying you're leaving?!"

He laughed and took me downstairs to the living room. Before I had the chance to say anything, he showed me two plane tickets. Wait so that means: IM GOING WITH HIM! I hugged him so tight and gave him lots of kisses. "Are you serious Jacob!?"

"I'm guessing that's a yes?" he smiled. "Well cmon I still want dinner haha."

We left and I texted Shawn the news.

G: you were wrong!!
S: ??
G: well no you're not wrong cuz jacob IS going on a European tour but I'm goin too!😄
S: WHAT!??!!
G: what's wrong?
S: uh nothing.. I'm happy that you're gonna spend time with jacob

{A/N: 1374819 years later😅 Ahh I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever :( I feel like my stories suck but I really do enjoy writing them.. I'm coming up with some new ideas for a different stories!(: I think my next story will be a jack and jack fan fic (; }

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