Chapter 16 Izle

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So, what now? I looked at the keyboard in my room and pressed a note. I decided to practice the song that I was supposed to learn for tomorrow. It sounded like fancy noise to me. I hated it. I decided to play something simple like the Turkish March in order to allow myself some time to think but I just ended up angrily pounding the keyboard. Forte being my most silent dynamic and crescendo became the only change in dynamic. I usually knew where to add in a mezzopiano to make the song sound more classy but this time I did not find class necessary.

"Wow, that's beautiful," a high-pitched masculine voice squeaked behind me. Initially, my hopes convinced me that it may have come from Lancaster. Even though I knew his voice resembled a typical male human rather than a lost rat, my heart still raced with excitement.

My racing heart translate from joy to fear when the ultimate realisation struck: I did remember locking my doors.

It would have been impossible to climb through the windows. Even if possible, no welcomed visitor would go through the struggles of entering through an undesignated entrance. This person, whom my back was still turned towards, must have had a key. This person must be one of Them.

I slowly turned around hoping that there was really no one. I could deal with me hearing voices later but I did not want to face the live voices of the enemy.

Who was it? Someone I did not know, that was who. I slipped from the piano bench and stood at its side. "Umm hey," I questioned his presence while trying not to sound distraught. He was just about shorter than the average man. He had a full head of black silky hair, unevenly brown skin and was wearing a purple version to the white knee length coats the top scientist usually wore.

His expression did not look the slightest bit diabolical. He seemed to me like a happy dentist. What disturbed me was his powerful gaze. The wrinkles around his distant eyes and his popping nerve on his forehead made his eyes budge and appear to be heavily fixated on my future.

"Hi Izle," he said with a smile. It did not bother me as much as it should be upon hearing that he knew my name. "You look troubled. What's wrong?" I had a feeling that he was not exactly interested in my emotional wellbeing.

"Nothing. How are you? How did you get into my room?" I asked calmly. "And while you're at it, answer me this: Why are you in my room?"

"I'm fine thanks for asking," he responded and looked at his time. "I'm just waiting for my men to arrest you for assisting with the escape of Lancaster." At least he did not know about the glass case room break in. Maybe Shawn's brother forgave me for almost breaking his skull. Before he even finished saying Lancaster's name, I picked up my keyboard and dropped it on his fat head- that was how I chose to solve my problems from now on. I did not even wait to see his short body crumble underneath it. Instead, I ran out through the back door.

There were about 12 men with guns at the bottom of the step waiting for the purple coat's order. They were not looking at me until one of them pointed in my direction then began charging at me. I ran back inside and shut the door then dashed to the main door and flung it open. I did not go through it, instead, I leaped inside of my closet and hid there silently. As soon as I closed the closet door, the security guards broke through the back door and looked around the room. I was not sure if they saw me enter my closet or not, so my heart was uneasy. One of the gunmen pointed to the main door that was just only now closing and they darted in that direction- chasing the me that was not there.

My next course of action would be to think of what to do next again. Adrenaline was my friend at this moment so I already had a plan which however failed because unfortunately, one of the guys stayed behind to search the room. He looked underneath the bed, my desk and slowly approached the closet, gun first. If he did not have a gun, I would have opened the closet quickly as he approached and hoped it stunned him long enough for me to get a head start however the closet door could not hit him in the head if the gun was in between.

Either way, I aggressively pushed the door open with my full strength. This slightly shifted the focus of gun to the left so I was able to hold it away from me and hammered my knee into his external reproductive organ. He instantly crumbled in pain allowing me to pull the gun then hit him in the head hard enough to knock him out- at least I hoped that I didn't do any more harm than that. I was on a head hitting role! I took his ammunition belt (or whatever it was), his gun and bullet proof vest and headed out through the back. I had no plans of using this death device though. I just wanted to look like I meant business.

I had no time to gloat and feel proud of myself since I knew there might be more hindrance between here and the gate so I ran. I heard a bullet and hid behind a short wall. There was no one ahead of me which meant they might have been behind me. The man behind me was getting ready to shoot again so I ran as soon as he pressed the trigger and fell to my side then held my trigger.

My hands trembled a lot but I pressed it and surprisingly the bullet hit him in the leg. Thank God it did not hit him somewhere important. "Sorry, I had no choice," I apologized to him then continued running as quickly as I could and did not stop even though I passed the gate. I felt so violent and heartless.

I slowed down when it started getting nearly too dark to even see. My pathway was empty and I did not know where I was going but I knew I could not go back.

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