Chapter 17 They

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-I gave you one simple job, and that was to capture the girl but you made her drop a piano on you like this operation is some kind of Loonie Toon show! If you have not noticed, she has been causing a lot of trouble and ruining my plans...

You mean our plans.

-My plans! You're not qualified to continue leading this operation! You have been making a fool of yourself. In fact, you made a fool out of them too. How do you think your employees feel? Look at them looking at you like you're nothing.

We will make this right.

-Stop with this "we will," nonsense and get out there and do something right for yourself. You can't depend on the collective to solve all of your problems. I want YOU to get out there and bring the virus (the girl) back to the lab before the program crashes the final Enamel firewall and comes here. Do I make myself clear?

Can you say that again, we were not paying attention.

-I said that YOU need to get YOUR butt out of this office and get that girl, who we call "the virus" before I fire YOU! Do YOU understand that?

Yes sir, we will do our best.

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