chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Lunch was Ally’s favorite subject; it was the one time of the day at which she ate a decent meal. At her house, normal food was scarce but cigarettes and bottles of beer were never bound to go missing. She quickly filled her lunch tray with as much food as she could handle and then took a seat next to her best friends, Dez and Trish.

“Hey, look! Its Ally-gator!” cried out Dez, as Trish and he laughed.

Ally smiled as she opened her milk. “Hey, look! It’s Dez-seri!” She took a sip of her cold drink.

“Did you hear? “Asked Trish with an amused expression on her face. “Principal Oliver’s car got thrashed!”

Ally chuckled. “Good, she deserves it,” it wasn’t like her to speak badly of others, but the principal was looking for it with all the new rules he had placed; not that anybody followed them.

As she began digging through her food, Dez’s eyes widen. “Hey, Ally-gator, what’s up with those bruises on your shoulder?” he asked, carefully examining them. She was so into eating the food she didn’t have at home, she hadn’t realized her sweater had slipped off. Ally suddenly turned to Trish for help, and she quickly got it.

“She went to my house a few days ago and she tripped down my stairs! That was pretty clumsy of you, Alls,”Trish blurted out and pretended to be serious.

Dez continued glancing back and forth at them, suspiciously. “Hmm… are you okay?’’

Ally nodded her head, lightly. “Yeah, it wasn’t that bad anyway “she lied. Dez stared at them one more time and then took a bite of his sandwich.

Ally exhaled with ease. Trish was the only person who knew about Ally and Issac’s situation. She hated seeing how their dad left them after a beating and she hated the fact she couldn’t tell anyone. She had promised her best friend she wouldn’t tell a soul about her problems and she wasn’t the one to break a promise. Trish always tried convincing Ally to move in with her but the answer was always the same; “I’ll be eighteen in a bit, until then we stay"

The cafeteria noise was normal for what felt like a few minutes before six teenagers came crashing in, creating a loud ruckus. All heads turned their direction, including Ally and her friends, following the everyday rutein.They were the people Ally feared, and they all knew it.

Austin entered the cafeteria with his arm wrapped around his sinful girlfriend, Tilly. Behind them were Dallas and Savannah, the receiver and second head cheerleader, holding hands. Next to them were Todd and Rayne, others of their kind, with their arms locked together. The girls wore their extremely small cheerleading outfits and high heels, which were heard from half a mile away, while the guys wore their football jackets. They all looked around in a conceded way as they continued talking; all eyes needed to be on them. Many of the outsiders ducked their heads down low, not wanting to be humiliated, but the group’s target was more than obvious.

“Well, look who it is!” began Tilly, as she walked up to Ally and began playing with her ponytail. Ally crouched herself low on the chair and quietly began to bite her nails.

“Aw, “continued Austin with a smirk. “You’re looking fine, Mrs.Thrieft store”

Savannah laughed. “Don’t get to close, you’ll get poor people disease” laughter was heard from the group.

“What’s the matter, Savannah? Did daddy find the use condoms in your room?” asked Trish, mockingly.

The blonde hair girl glared at her.” Ad least I can get a guy in my bed,”

Austin then took a seat next to Ally and grabbed the red apple in her tray. As he dug his teeth into it, he stood up and put his arm back around Tilly. “Hope you don’t mind sweetness,” he said and then threw it back on her tray, making milk spill all over her sweater. They began to laugh.” better luck next time,”

Ally wasn’t sure how she felt about music class. She loved playing the old piano down in the basement and she loved writing songs in her song book, but she hated the thought of her mother that appeared every time she stepped into the classroom. She hated thinking about the person who abandoned them.

As she entered the classroom, she took a seat next to Dez who was about ready to eat his cookie.

“Oh, you got the stain out” he said pointing at the lightly wet piece of her sweater Austin had caused.

Ally smiled. “Yeah, and right on time!”

“Want some?” he asked, extending his cookie.

She laughed a bit. “No thanks, Dez”                                                                                            

“c’mon, Ally-gator! Its chocolate chip!” he tried pursuing, placing the cookie in front of her eyes.

She smiled and pushed it away. “It’s okay, eat it yourself”

Dez began placed the cookie closer to her mouth. “You know you want some!”

Just then the cookie was snatched from his hand. “Why thank you, Decher! I appreciate the thought,” said Austin as he began eating the cookie. Dez’s face was in edge of crying. “He ate my cookie, “he mumbled painfully, causing Ally to frown even more. Tilly came up and kissed Austin on the cheek.

“Austy, why are you talking to these geeks?” she asked in disgust, shooting Ally a look.

“Tilly, don’t be rude! These people are not geeks… there waste of air, get it right!” they both burst out laughing. Ally just rolled her eyes. As the pair began to walk away to their usual seats, Dez leaned in closer to Ally.

“Yeah, we’re the waste of air,” he whispered to her as they both giggled a bit. Austin picked him up by his shirts with eyes full of anger.

“What did you say, Decher?” he asked in a threatening voice, by then the whole classroom was staring.

Ally stood up. “Leave him alone!” she commanded knowing she was closer to her death than ever before. Ally wasn’t the one to stand up to her bully, but it was her best friend they were messing with.

“And why should I? “Asked Austin, enjoying the attention. “Please?” she asked in a soft voice. Instead of laughing like Ally had expected, Austin let go of Dez after a few seconds and shoved him back into his seat. “What do you know, Decher? Your little girlfriend saved your butt.”Tilly bumped Ally’s arm as they went back to their seats. Ally could feel Austin still staring at her.

 The music teacher, Mrs. Wilson, suddenly rushed in, setting a stack of papers on her desk. She adjusted her white blouse and tight skirt. “Good afternoon, class! I’m sorry I’m late, I had an emergency. I hope everyone was behaving,” she narrowed eyes at Austin, who innocently shrugged. “Now, I’ve decided to place you all in partners in order to create a song that will count as a major grade. It doesn’t have to be long, just have good rhythm and structure” She turned to her desk and took out a clipboard.

“I have assigned partners; Jake and Ginnie, Justin and Aimee, Dez and Camilla, Austin and Ally-“

“What?” both teenagers’ voices vibrated across the room. Heads turned their direction but they only seemed to notice each other with disgust. Mrs. Wilson crossed her arms as her dark, short hair slightly shook. “Well, you can both learn to like each other in detention!” and with that, she continued reading the list.

Ally turned to Austin, who stared at her with piercing eyes. It was the first time in her high school years in which she had received detention, and she hated herself for that. The thought of leaving Issac at home with their drunken father frightened her more than a million Austin Moon’s.

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