I have been told on numerous accounts that "We need 2 salaries to get by, I can't even consider homeschooling!" The truth be told, you probably can't afford homeschool, who would pay for all the family holidays for each term break, 2 cars, petrol for 2 cars and large home with a swimming pool, just to mention a few things. Come on now, its actually your kids that are paying the price for these things.
It is really affordable not to mentions possible to live comfortably on one salary, sure there is not luxury, but it is possible to live within your means. If you want something hard enough, won't you make the changes necessary to have it? Downscale your home, go on holiday once a year, juggle one car if you have to, your kids are worth it.
Our family is a testimony of this to be possible, there was a time when we hadn't been on holiday for nearly 6 years as my husband had started his own business and times were tough. We still juggle one car and yes, it is possible. BUT we are happy and stronger as a family unit than we have ever been.
Now there is also the matter of being a single parent. Can you homeschool? Of course! If a family member or a friend is homeschooling, your children could perhaps join or you get a full time tutor. Could you afford a full time tutor? Well if you can afford school fees, uniform etc, you can afford a tutor!