Camp Jordan

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IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Bear with me for a moment! Your story will start soon!

I've written a new fanfic called Heartbeats!

BUT WAIT! Don't leave!

Camp Jordan and Heartbeats fanfics are situated in the same universe, the same world and (almost) the same timeline.

Camp Jordan and HeartBeats are 2 separate fanfictions. You can choose to read both, or just one of them. It wouldn't affect the storyline. You pick.

I've written both fanfics in such a way that you have a choice on what to read first. Camp Jordan or Heartbeats. You can either read Camp Jordan then Heartbeats or vice versa, it's up to you! Reading any one first will not affect the whole story flow whatsoever.

BUT, I suggest you reading THIS first as I'm not done writing Heartbeats.


1 month before camp...

I was busy fangirling captainsparklez on tumblr when suddenly someone burst into my room. I turned around and saw someone holding an envelope.

"Emi!" that someone shouted. It was Claire, my best friend (and also a jordan fangirl). She was waving the envelope in the air. "YOU GOT TO SEE THIS!" It was probably a letter from Claire's cousin, who was living on the other side of the earth. She tends to get excited when she received letters from him, or anyone for that matter.

"Is it from your cousin?"I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"Nope," said Clair. This made me surprised, Claire rarely received letters that were NOT from her cousin. "What is it?" I asked curiously.

"It's from Jordan. THE Jordan." She whispered, her eyes wide, which was then followed by silence.My computer hummed in the background from over activity.

After a few seconds,I leaned back in my chair and laughed, "Hahahaha, you must be kidding me," I started laughing. How could 2 girls receive a letter from Jordan Maron when he didn't even know them? This must be a joke.

Claire frowned, "No it's not a joke." I stopped laughing, did it really come from.....

Claire opened the already-torn-open envelope. She took out a white piece of paper with words on them and started reading them aloud.

"Dear Claire,

I am proud to inform you that you would be invited to join our camp partly organized by a famous youtuber called "Captainsparklez" or Jordan Maron for charity. (Claire was smiling now). This camp will last for 3 days and 2 nights (13 June- 15 June). This camp will be held at Camp laguna. You will be able to meet Jordan and.... *Giggle*..... get to do rock climbing, kayaking etc with him...." she could not contain her excitement anymore and was now jumping on my bed.

I shot up from my chair and snatched the envelope from her hands. I started reading it, expecting it to be a joke. My eyes went wide, it wasn't a joke at all. This was the real deal.

Clair was now trying to get back the letter from me.

"Give me back my letter!" she hissed and tried to tickle me, however I tickled her first. She had no choice but to retreat back to my bed.

I held the letter as far away from her as possibly and continued reading to myself from where she left off.

"There will be many people trying to sign up for this camp. Since you are a member of our club, you will get to be at the front of the queue, together with a friend of your choice, who will also receive a 20% discount camp fee, which means the camp fee will cost $80, and will go to charity." the rest of the letter was unimportant, ending with some person's curvy signature.

"If you don't give me back that letter, you won't be coming with me to this camp," she threatened.

"Alright alright, here you go," I gave her back the letter. She gave it one last look and placed it back into the envelope with care. Then she took out another piece of paper and gave it to me, it was the camp registration form.

"So are you free.... on those days?" she asked. I nodded, I had nothing important scheduled during the holidays, and it's making me bored to death.

"Even you are free, where are you going to get the money from?"

"Don't worry, my mom will provide the camp fees, trust me."

Later on the same day, at night.....

I ate my dinner slowly . It consisted of dry and cold rice and some gross looking vegetables. The only thing I liked was the chicken, which was all eaten 5 minutes into dinner. I should have left some of them for the vegetables, now I have nothing to reduce the yucky taste. My mom was eating her food normally, her plate almost clean.

"Eh, mom?"

"Yes Emily?"

"Can I go to a 3 days 2 night camp with Clair? It's at camp laguna and it costs $80." I asked hopefully, handing her the form at the same time.

"What are you going to do there?" she took her last bite of rice and chewed.

"Kayaking, rock climbing and stuff." I said, omitting the Jordan parts. Thank god the form didn't give much information, or else I will be dead for sure.

"I see. Well join her then, at least it's better then playing computer games all day," she said. Well to be honest, besides playing computer games, I fangirl Jordan. But of course my mom didn't know this, imagine her reading your tumblr blog.

"When do you need this by?" she pointed to the form.

"Ehhhh... Today. I heard there are many people wanting to join this.... camp... The earlier the better..."

Without giving much thought, she fished a pen and her cheque book from her bag and filled up the cheque and the form. When she passed me those two things, I felt joy, so much joy flooding through me.

"Stop staring at the form and finish your dinner," my mom nagged.

The next day, I triumphantly passed both items to Clair, and so she sent both of our applications through the mail. Now all we had to do was wait.

Camp Jordan (Jordan maron/Captainsparklez)Where stories live. Discover now