Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Emily's POV

"....and after that an instructor had to dive for the oar/paddle and retrieve it. Thankfully, the lake wasn't too deep, but Jordan did receive a scolding though." Clair stirred her soup violently, "I hate him."

"He SCOLDED Jordan?!" I gasped, "That's terri-"

"Hush, not too loud! Jordan might hear it and I believe he's not over it yet." Clair interrupted me and placed a hand over my mouth.

I pushed her hand away, this time speaking softer. "Okay okay I get it."

It was dinner time and Clair and Diana were telling me everything about the kayaking activity. The canteen was full of chatter, you had to speak louder than usual for others to hear you. I doubt Jordan could hear me under all that noise, but still, I shut my mouth.

The three of us turned to Jordan. What we saw was a grumpy and upset looking Jordan, sitting farrrrrr away from that instructor.

Diana added, still staring at Jordan, "Everyone gave him the cold look after that. We stopped the activity some time later and that's when we woke you up."

"That's.... Interesting. What did the instructor say?" I took another bite out of my catered BBQ chicken.

Clair put on her 'Very Annoying Pissed-off-Instructor voice', "Jordan , we have told you many times that you should not drop the paddle/oar. You, you out of everyone dropped it! I am-"

It was my turn to place my hand over her mouth, "Okay that's very good, I get it. And....I've got a great idea. Should we try to cheer him up?"

Diana became excited, "Oh yes that's a good idea! I can't stand him looking upset, he deserves better."

"Yes he does deserve better." Jake suddenly appeared from behind Diana. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Urm...." she looked at him suspiciously, "Okay." She stood up, collected her cutlery and followed Jake.

"Well," Clair said as she watched them leave the canteen, "I guess it's just you and me now."

She stood up, "Let's go! We have a YouTuber to cheer up!"

Diana's POV

Jake brought me to a tree with a bench under it. He sat on one side of the bench and patted the spot beside him.

"Sit here." he said. I did as I was told. I think I know why he wants to talk to me...

"I'm sorry," he starts, "I've thought about it and.. I'm sorry for leaving you. The reason why I left is because-"

I held up a hand and he stopped talking, "I know. I... overheard part of your conversation with Jordan last night." It's better to tell him now.

"Which part?" he looked scared.

"The part about... why you left. And I now understand. I should be saying sorry, for ignoring you."

"No, I wanted you to ignore me. I was... kind of forcing you to make more friends, to help you with your... social anxiety disorder. I knew it was a painful two years but look at you, you're now the most popular girl in class! You have so many friends!" He pointed to me. "It was for your own good." He started tearing up.

"And yet you ignored your own needs? You knew that you needed a friend because you were so lonely. You had the same disorder as me too, and yet you just thought about me?" All the anger and confusion I had stored inside me for him for the two years suddenly vaporized.

"It was for your own go- umph!" I interrupted him by giving him a bear hug.

"That was really sweet and thoughtful of you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Honestly, if I knew of this 'plan' two years ago I might have killed you for doing something so stupid....Now it's time for me to help you."

He stuttered, "Hel- Help? I don't need help."

"Oh yes you do, Tree-boy." I smiled and ruffled his hair, "Let's start by being best friends... again. We have lots to catch up on."

And for the first time in two years, his sad eyes were now bright with joy once more.


Now back to Emily!

Emily's POV

"So Jordan," Clair said as she sat on the seat opposite him, "Are you looking forward to campfire?"

Jordan looked up from his food, the grumpiness disappeared when he saw us , "Oh! The campfire! I almost forgot about it! Yes I am looking forward to it, and I think you will too. I prepared something special for you guys."

She asked excitedly, "What is it what is it what is it?"

He chuckled and winked, "I can't tell, it's special."

"How special?" I asked.


I slumped down on the seat next to Clair's and sighed, "I wish we had something special for you too, but sadly, we don't." Oh wait... I do have something.

I perked up, "How about a drawing? I can only give it to you tomorrow though."

"That would be awesome! I can't wait to see it!"

I blushed, Jordan having one of my drawings is a fangirl artist's dream.

Clair pulled me out of my seat by the arm as I continued blushing, "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid this girl over here is having one of those fangirling moments. It looks like we have to go."

Jordan stifled a laugh, "Alright you can go now. See you later!" Clair nodded and I waved weakly.

"That wink!" I swooned as she pulled me back to our table, "It's so adsfnkvkbl....."

"Yes I know, I have to admit," she said, flopping me back down on a seat, "I almost wanted to fangirl there myself too." I could see faint signs of blushing.

"Are you...blushing?" I asked, pointing to her cheeks. Clair blushing is truly a rare sight.

"No I'm not!" she covered both her cheeks, "Excuse me, I'm going to wash my cutlery." She quickly picked her cutlery up and ran to the sink.

"Hey wait up!" I picked up my own cutlery and ran after her.

AN: 2 chapters in a day? Is this even real? Darn I should prob update real illusions too.

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