Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

This chapter will be done in lots of people's POV except Emily.

Jordan's POV


That was the sound my kayak made when it bumped into another kayak for at least the 20th time. I've got to admit, I'm terrible at this.

"Sorry!" I apologized to a girl. She just smiled, said it was okay, then she rowed away. I floated on the same spot for a few minutes. When my nearby surroundings were clear, I tried to kayak again.

Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Ri-

"JORDAN!" Someone shouted.

I turned to where the sound came from. There was a boy heading in my direction at, what it seemed to me, a very dangerous speed. I couldn't row away fast enough, so I prepared myself for the impact that was going to happen.

Thankfully, the boy stopped the kayak just in time. It bumped softly against my kayak. bump.

"Look what I found!" he held up a leaf in the air for me to see. It was Jake.

"A... Maple leaf?" I guessed. It was shaped like a maple leaf but it was not in the usual orangey-reddish colour maple leaves are usually seen in. It was green.

"Yeap. Sadly it's not autumn yet. The trees still need the chlorophyll during summer." He tossed the leaf into the water. I watched it float away peacefully.

"Diana likes autumn the most," he muttered as he rowed away. The leaf was now beside Diana's kayak. She noticed it and picked it up. She admired it for a while, then kept it in her pocket and continued talking to Clair.

I sighed. Love is such a strange affair, isn't it?

Diana's POV

"Hey look!" Clair pointed to the tree Emily was sitting under in the middle of our conversation, "Emily is taking a pic!"

Emily had a camera sitting on her lap. When she turned to us, Clair waved. I followed her. Emily waved back and took another photo of us.

"Ahh where was I? Oh yes, Jake. You think he's forcing himself to like trees? Why? Maybe it's something he really... likes?" Clair asked.

"No, he's doing it because of me." There was a pause.

"...And how exactly do you know that?"

"I overheard him... talking to Jordan last night. I couldn't hear the whole thing but I did hear him say a few... interesting things." By interesting I mean, really interesting.

"What... interesting things?"

"That, I can't tell you. It's a secret."

She shrugged, "Oh I see."

I noticed a leaf right beside me. I picked it up. Maple leaf. It's green now but once it's autumn it will turn a beautiful red. Red. My favourite colour. Jake, he knows autumn is my favourite season. I put the leaf in one of my pockets.

I could still remember me sneaking out of the first-aid room. The room I was supposed to sleep in for that night. I wanted to talk to Jordan, (he was sleeping in the room beside mine) but when I slowly opened the door, I could see Jake sitting on the grass with Jordan. I closed the door quickly, leaving a crack open for me to hear what they were talking about.

" I left her." Jake's voice.

"But... why?" It came from Jordan.

"She needs to make more friends. See the world. Staying with me will bring her nowhere. She found it difficult making them. By friends I mean... girls. Like normal girl friends. Not boys. I was the only friend she had then for so many years. Now look at her, she goes out with other people more often now... and she looks happy."

I almost gasped, is that the truth?

That was all I could hear. I wanted to know more but that would mean I had to open the door a bit more but I didn't want to alert them. Instead I had to return back to my bed, and think of what he just said.

"Urm... Hello???? Are you daydreaming?" Clair waved her hand right in front of my face. I pushed her hand away.

"There's nothing wrong with daydreaming," I said, "Want to race? The first person to reach Emily's tree wins."

Jake's POV

I probably shouldn't have tried speaking to Diana on the first day of camp. I should have ignored her.

In fact, I kind of did ignore her. There were so many things I wanted to tell her. But no, I talked about trees instead. Well at least that made her stay away from me. It's all part of the plan.

A maple leaf floated in my direction. I picked it up. It was green. My favourite colour. It would soon turn red.

I remembered the whole conversation I had with Jordan last night. He gave me some suggestions. Should I listen to him.. or continue my plan?

Jordan was nearby and I decided to show him the leaf.

"JORDAN!" I shouted as loud as I could.

Clair's POV

"HA, I WIN!" I said as I touched the grass in front of the tree. It was a tough competition and I'm sweating a lot, but I won.

Diana slowed down, "Argh, no fair! You had a head start!" She looked no better than me. Sweat was trickling down her forehead.

"Em, It's obvious who won, right? Right?" I asked Emily. No response. It was then I realized she was sleeping.

I tired splashing water in her direction but the water didn't get far enough.

"Let that poor thing sleep," Diana said, "She needs rest." I stopped splashing.

"Yeah you are right." I glanced at Emily guiltily.

"Say, hasn't Jordan been on the same spot since forever? It doesn't look like he has moved." she asked.

I squinted my eyes, "I don't think he has a choice, it looks like he just dropped his oars/paddles into the water."

"Oh mannnnnn let's go help him."

Jordan's POV





AN: Oops.

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